Post your DTC adress in comments
This is guide step by step on how to mine Datacoin. You can use it on any cloud provider, but i will use Digital Ocean in my example.
If you sign up, please use my referral link : 1. Go the website and sign up for
Digital Ocean .
2. Fund you account with Paypal or Credit Card
(Black Friday only) Try the coupon : BLACK50 50 dollars free !Try the coupon : DIVEIN10 10 dollars free!
or : HOLIDAYSSD 3. Click the Green 'Create Button' or the Blue 'Create Droplet' Button
4. Create an ubuntu 13.10 x64 Droplet, with the size you want (more CPU, more performance)
5. Username and password will be emailed to you
6. Use an SSH client like Putty (
Putty ) to login.
- Open Putty, Enter the adress IP of your newly created Droplet in the field (Port 22 and connection type : SSH )
- Then click "Open"
- Use the username + password who was emailed to you
7. For Datacoin, use the following scripts.
Copy a step in the clipboard (ctrl+c) , then paste in the Putty windows (right click).
Wait for a step to finish before doing the next.
if you want to install XPM primecoin, follow the original guide by mikaelh : the dependenciessudo apt-get install -y build-essential m4 libssl-dev libdb++-dev libboost-all-dev libminiupnpc-dev git
Install the last version of GMPcd
rm -rf gmp-5.1.3.tar.bz2 gmp-5.1.3
tar xjvf gmp-5.1.3.tar.bz2
cd gmp-5.1.3
./configure --enable-cxx
sudo make install
Create a swapfile (unneccesary if you have 1GB of RAM or more)
sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/swapfile bs=64M count=16
sudo mkswap /swapfile
sudo swapon /swapfile
Install Datacoin (can take some time)
git clone
cd datacoin-hp/src
make -f makefile.unix
sudo cp -f datacoind /usr/local/bin/
Create the .conf filecd
mkdir -p .datacoin
echo 'server=1
rpcpassword=[PASSWORD_CHANGE_ME]' > .datacoin/datacoin.conf
Launch Datacoin and start miningdatacoind --daemon
Check Mining info and balancewatch 'datacoind listaccounts & datacoind getmininginfo'
8. Profit!!
You can create more instance to mine more
Good luck
Hi, Im new here, please let me ask final steps rpcpassword=
[PASSWORD_CHANGE_ME]' > .datacoin/datacoin.conf I have to put here my password, or just copy like is...with your words rpcpassword=[PASSWORD_CHANGE_ME]' > .datacoin/datacoin.conf
I have little experience with this, but like to learn new...trying setup didgitalocean for this, than you!