Thank you for replying to my post. I don't have an interest in giving you the fifth degree, but my suspicions were raised when I looked at your international school and foundation webpage and found a pattern very similar to your UABB pages. The framework is there, there are talks of great accomplishments ($100,000 donors, 99.99% of American colleges taking international students without TOEFL), but all the actual evidence of real achievements (i.e. the alumni pages, curriculum, PTA, etc) are suspiciously blank. You list a bunch of accreditations, but then say that they don't actually apply to your school. Perhaps you took down those parts of the webpages, but you decided to keep other parts (dress code, bus scheduling) functional? There isn't even a single picture of your school, or a classroom, on the school's website. A google search also reveals nobody claiming to be an alumnus from your school- no teachers, newspaper articles about your success in waiving the TOEFL requirements, no mention of American schools who partnered with you to provide the rationale you're claiming. In fact, the only information about your school (which you claim ran for three years even though your webpage shows that opened in 2009 and wasn't updated after August of that year) comes from your own links. You have to admit that seems a little suspicious.
When I said you had dummy companies, I was referring to your 'ratings' page You have 14 pages of 'businesses' with no URLs that are currently awaiting accreditation. The names of these 'businesses' are clearly usernames that you've taken from some forum. Do any of these businesses actually exist?
It's customary for a small business to provide a little information about who they are. If you only have a handful of executives, it shouldn't be too hard for them to provide an email address, picture, and brief bio. After all, you're in the business of transparency, aren't you?
I hope this doesn't come off as a personal attack. I've spent my entire life surrounded by 'idea men' who could talk endlessly about their dreams, and yet never followed through. You'll have to forgive me for being skeptical when I run into another.