Up until 30 seconds ago, you would need to reload it manually but now that you've raised this point, I've configured it to automatically reload every 60 seconds. It's a valid point and I appreciate the feedback.
I don't want to flood the system with my low-diff shares, or.. let's consider them "stress-test"? ))
A stress test would be awesome to kick things off
Wafflepool and Hashcows sometimes switch coins every 2-3 minutes, is this a good tactics?
Our autoswitch script cannot run 20 minutes after it's last run. It can try, but nothing will become of it. After 20 minutes has elapsed, if a new coin has the highest score and is available in our array of available coins, it will be mined. Otherwise, the server will either revert to our default "generally profitable" coin or stay where it is.
We use the stratum proxy software which support long-polling by default so this helps limit stale shares. Additionally, each new coin we configure is done so with the block notification settings enabled. This improves turnaround for both miners and the pool.
Thanks again for the feedback! I hope the above answers your questions.