Xhomer really needs to come through with the no homo hats before it gets too gay in here. No homo.
Maybe you and I are going to have another battle, Lambie? because I am thinking that a generic disclaimer is likely to be materially insufficient to off-set some of the lovey dovey that seems to be spreading through this thread. Too much lovey dovey is likely to NOT be good for rambunctious bitcoin discussion, and maybe there is a bit of a social attack coming onto this WO thread?
Sure, I am o.k. that there tends to be a sufficient dogpiling on trolls/shills, but sometimes we need to be expressively critical of the ideas of one another too, without giving credit for merely liking of each other.
Alternatively, there can be a bit of bleeding of bitcoin passion in recent times too that goes along with some of the bleeding of the bitcoin price. Not too many of us feel as inclined to talk about fuck you money and all that when the price is going through a persistent bleeding, and surely there are some folks, such as yourself who is asserting a low that is somewhere in the $6k region, and yeah, perhaps that would be the case, even if there is a bit of a preference, even from yours truly that some of you down before up folks will end up being completely and unambiguously wrong... and even there is some coincidence with seeming troll/shills, like whiteboy420 and the like who end up being correct, too.... so while we continue to bleed, the bears, the beartrolls and the down before up, end up being correct - and surely some of those folks will be acting on the down (if it comes) rather than merely watching in an academic kind of way that just projects greater and greater down, once some of it happens.