guess i took for granted how immutable that seemed.
i liked that trump did not start a war and that he wasn't shy to point out stuff that is true. but to destroy the democratic system that brought him to power by declaring he will not accept if he loses is the worst thing a politician can do.
an elected leader who puts the axe on the roots of the democracy that allowed him to become president is acting criminal imho.
the last 4 years showed me that a U.S. president has too much executive power. a few more rouge leaders like him and the U.S. is either a kingdom or a dicatorship.
i dislike biden for being this tough law-and-order drug warrior for literally decades. I wonder how much hardship his policies created amongst stoners. how many years people ended up in prison for some weed.
but trump jeopardizes the democracy. which was a bright star to follow other nations.
let's see...