Over the years, I have become increasingly irritated by practices of prematurely calling bearmarkets in bitcoinlandia and/or attempts to assign various traditional definitions to bitcoin price dynamics regarding what is or might be a "bear market."
Surely, there are some folks who innocently fall into such categorizations, but frequently such statements are surrounded by wishful thinking, failure to understand bitcoin and/or pure bad intentions (aka FUD spreading or purposeful exaggerations).
LOL. 47.5K was broken in 10seconds so.. New local bottom is 46.9K
$48.7k and rising.
Not the point. We printed a new local bottom, below 47.5K.
Poor wee widdle gallianooo.
Hopefully, you did not lose too much money on your DOWNity bet
(actually, I will admit that I wouldn't really mind if you lost most if not all of your money because you don't come off as someone who is actually appreciating dee power of king daddy, and you likely need a wee bit of personal instruction from the school of hard knocks).
You might not have heard that is NOT good to be betting on DOWNity in a bull market.
Stop to be a f***ing stupid and arrogant guy.
Seems to me that there is nothing really stupid or arrogant about my comments regarding posts that you have made. You have invited such responses based on the content and tone of your various other posts, and you are not really getting any better with the passage of time, as far I can see... but hey, who am I, besides some person who is responding on a public bitcoin thread?
Don't worry for me you know.
Why would I be worried about you? With the passage of time, you have shown ur lil selfie to be quite less than a sympathetic figure. Sure there might be some people who can relate to you or sympathize with you, but I doubt that too many folks in this thread do... and of course, I cannot really speak for others. I am merely anticipating what others might be thinking about some of your previous nonsense posts.
I am into BTC since 200$ as long term holder.
That's good. But still does not excuse some of the nonsense that you have been posting on this thread, especially recently.
I am in ETH since bit less than 1$ and still have half of my bag so... If you want to talk about money, can be really funny.
Have you not noticed, that in this here wee lil thread, we give less than one ratt's ass about your various shitcoins and whether you may have made profits and blah blah blah in regards to various shitcoins. So you should just take those distracting and irrelevant ideas to some shitcoin thread.
I didn't loose anything,
That's too bad. Hopefully your nonsense did not cause anyone else to either sell too much too early or fail to sufficiently stack.
i never make short trade.
Of course, that would even be dummer than I have currently ascribed to you. So good thing that you are not that dumb. Good for you, I mean.
If BTC would have dropped (or he will, because still possible. reversal is only on small units for now) to the 40-43K, I would/will just buy more because I have cash. that's all.
Sure, it remains a good practice to buy on dips, and there are folks who buy on much smaller dips - they do not require some bullshit pie in the sky 33% plus dip in order to buy or add to their stack of BTC. So your earlier wishing for down and the other bullshit that came off as higher level of certainty than warranted are surely not appreciated by yours truly, and probably there are others in this here thread that are irritated by your acting like you know something, which you don't seem to know much more than anyone else here even though you had been ascribing relatively high levels of certainty to your BTC price projections and expressing such wishes as if they were going to be fulfilled (which so far they have not, and so far the BTC price seems to be moving against your earlier wishenings.. sucks to be uie-pooie - to have your wishenings frustrated, at least so far.).