Many years ago, my doctor told me my cholesterol was slightly elevated (I don't remember the exact numbers but it was 0.1 over the top number in the range) and signed me up for a course on how to eat. When I saw the list of foods I should avoid, I told the nurse I would rather be euthanized than to live without coffee, eggs, cheese, cream, butter and meat. Back then, euthanasia wasn't an option so I took the sheet home and never looked at it again figuring I would die from the effects of cholesterol eventually.
The biggest irony is that it is a complete myth (lie) that high cholesterol is caused by any of those things on that list.
The myth is perpetuated by garbage studies, paid for by the corrupt health associations, that don't do proper controls. The survey subjects that they find that have high cholesterol primarily eat diets high in sugars, carbohydrates, processed foods, and processed seed oils...
and also so happen to eat eggs, cheese, cream, butter, and meat. So those studies falsely associate the latter foods with high cholesterol. (As a side note, these high cholesterol subjects also show highly elevated levels of triglycerides, which are typically associated with chronic consumption of large amounts of alcohol as well. Interesting, right?)
They NEVER do a controlled study on people who have diets primary of the latter (meat, cheese, diary, eggs, butter) but not the former (sugar, carbs, processed foods, seed oils). This is by design. They actually WANT that misassociation so they can then sell it to the public.
You want to reduce your cholesterol? Stop eating sugar, carbs, and junk that's not real food. Keep the meat, cheese, whole milk, eggs, butter. Eat clean, healthy vegetables. Cook with ghee, real butter, and/or a high quality olive oil. Stay away from seed oils.
I would also say, stay away from alcohol. It's basically high-test liquid sugar but with worse effects on the endocrine system, internal organs, liver, etc. But I know very few will do that, lol.