I am trying to understand and see
live what exactly happens in the mining process. Yes, I did "freeze" ntime for that educational purpose in the example above. I did not freeze nonce2 but I increased the timer from default to 5sec to testwise 15sec, just to see if my changes took effect. So far so good, however I am still far away from my goal.
What I like to see is:
- all the nonces that cgminer sends to the hardware for work, I like to see how this process is threaded and queued by cgminer
- the exact shares that are generated and sent to the hardware
- the exact nonce, nonce2 and ntime value that were used for each particular hash step and the result for it
Generally spoken, I'm looking to more infos that I miss with the --debug option of cgminer. Currently I'm stuck even trying to display simply the
nonce values and the particular hash result of one single step. I am aware that this could output very high amount of lines and generate a log with huge size, but I'm interested in one complete cycle through this:
- ntime should be freezed at all, irrelevant for me, same for merkle root
- cycling through the whole nonce range and when nonce reached the upper limit the nonce should freeze its value or set to zero and freeze its value (no more incrementing)
- then it should cycle through the whole nonce2 range (nonce is fixed at 0)
- when nonce2 is exhausted cgminer should exit
I wanna see ALL the hash results in a convenient output view (e.g table), so I can scroll through the log file and see each single step including the particular values for nonce and nonce2 and what hashed they generated.
timestamp nonce nonce2 hash
2022/11/07 15:33:10.789 0 0 0c82ba8v......
2022/11/07 15:33:10.790 1 0 f891a9c5......
2022/11/07 15:33:10.789 0 0 10d9e66a......
2022/11/07 15:33:10.789 0 0 4e9ff1c4b......
2022/11/07 15:33:10.789 0 0 004b20b3......
2022/11/07 15:33:10.789 0 0 0123abcd......
2022/11/07 15:33:10.871 3891853 0 e8c361c0......
2022/11/07 15:33:10.871 3891854 0 8a003dfb1......
2022/11/07 15:33:10.894 4294967295 0 910af3c314...
nonce exhausted, upper limit reached
2022/11/07 15:33:11.048 0 0 7016c6c1.....
2022/11/07 15:33:11.048 0 1 3d8eeaf0.....
2022/11/07 15:33:11.048 0 2 610c843a.....
2022/11/07 15:33:11.982 0 591857164 851758cc.....
2022/11/07 15:33:15.615 0 17178918541 58a7aa9b....
2022/11/07 15:33:17:195 0 18446744073709551615 84e701471...
nonce2 exhausted, upper limit reached
note: timestamps are just random examples picked by me, I did not exaclty calculate how long it takes
how ?