Everyone who comes in the beginning will definitely profit, do you see the price now? If it lasts long term I think it will be fine but if our type wants a quick money turnover I think they will still take the current price increase.
Doge's historical data is quite good but if we want to survive and make PEPE a long investment I think it will also lead to it in the long run. It's just the waiting time that sometimes we ourselves can't stand.
Well, that is what this game for (first come first serve). Although even on other things, that policy is also what is mostly followed. Being early does a good thing to offer to us at most times. Of course, a long-term pump is the best especially for those who hop in early in the game.
An increase is an increase but for those who are only here for the quick profits, they can also panic and even sell even at a loss or when the price dumps a lot. If we want to survive in the long term when it comes to investing, then there are still a better choice out there than PEPE or even DOGE but they might still be good if we are someone who lacks in patience, as they still can make a quick jump sometimes.