I disagree with you guys, I don't think percentage wise that anything much has changed in the political vs. trading camps. Look how many deluded (let's say non-pragmatic) people there are on r/bitcoin and bitcointalk too. I've known speculators from 2010, 2011, and some of them top notch, having had experience from other markets. As an example, I believe Bitcoin was mentioned in Prechter's newsletter in 2010 and that drew some chartists.
Also, there's often a large overlap between the two camps, it really isn't clear cut. You also need to keep in mind that some people with dollar signs in front of their eyes will talk the feel good (blah blah the unbanked) rhetoric but that's only to shill.
What I would agree with though is that, inevitably, it's gone downhill with the quality of discourse as the price rose and the Bitcoin cult grew over the years, whether this be speculative (just look at the retards on r/bitcoinmarkets, at least what they've become today) or political/economical. A small price to pay.
Well said, the quality of discussion went down since the April 2013 bubble, and the nonobjective tards made the Bitcoin cult bigger, extreme more delusional, I enjoyed hearing/talking/going to Bitcoin events a couple of years ago, but nowadays some (if not most) events are just the gathering of the hopeless cultists and quick get rich bitcoiners...
back to the subject, interesting bump ( from $320 +6.3%).... I think that action is going to happen soon (we will see the real bottom), the next couple of weeks are critical.