GAW has been far worse. FAR WORSE. in the 4-5 days I have been with them I have 2 cents total. Not only that but the fees from GAW are eating away ALL of my profits. check these GAW payouts
BTC Payout
0.00020793 BTC
Maintenance Fee
-0.00020792 BTC
That is a huge problem. fees are taking the profits. I did not signup for that and I dont expect GAW to get any better. While genesis payments have decreased a tad they are still way better. I have not tried any other cloud mining companies yet. I was going to try a few more but after my experience with GAW i just dont know.
It is smart to start very small to see how much you can get. Cheap Ghs, safe company and low maintenance fees is the winning combination but if the company is well established you will get higher prices
That is why you gotta try (0.001 BTC/Ghs), (0.0014 BTC/Ghs), (4.59 USD/Ghs) etc. where u can actually have some profit.
Lower price with higher risks sometimes means a better chance to ROI. Cloudminer is very new but going strong; hashie is interesting if the price of BTC rises
I'm not sure whether OP checks this thread anymore. I think, these new 3 are to be included in OP's list...