Machine learning can definitely create issues if used by incompetent dolts but on the other hand - used responsibly it can solve massive problems that are simply unsolvable otherwise. I think we'll find a balance where we will use proven well-tested models as building blocks for more complex systems and we'll learn for figure out whom to blame... just like we don't blame Microsoft when we write buggy code in C# or feed garbage data to well-intended code.
I'm strongly in favour of machine learning, and have dabbled in it myself. I should really have been clearer, but I suppose the point I'm making is all about the distinction between machines that arrive at conclusions based on initial rules and conditions supplied by humans, and machines that arrive - through impenetrable reasoning - at their own conclusions. I'd agree that we will eventually figure out who to blame, but it's an issue that needs addressing sooner rather than later. Similar to the situation with driverless cars.
A decent example is probably the iterations of Alpha Go, Gogle's Go-playing computer. The initial version was trained on huge numbers of human games, and became exceptionally proficient, and beat the world champion. It does to an extent use creative new strategies, but the overall style is explicable:
At first it sounds like a good idea, until you notice that the machine learning technology is HEAVILY reliant on teacher input / past performance to come to a conclusion.
This WONT be the norm in education though, people aren't happy when you give them a bad grade and then you try to blame a
I was trying to say (but not being very clear about it) that in this example, there was no machine-learning, the algorithm was devised entirely by humans, which meant that when people started to question the results, the algorithm was looked at and found to contain inbuilt bias (for info, the algorithm is below). But when, instead of this, we are using machine-devised algorithms and machine-learning, and there is no possibility of unpicking the algorithm (because we won't understand how the computer has reached its conclusions), then how do we determine unfairness or accountability? Machine-learning is black box reasoning, and impenetrable to humans. Whose fault is it when it outputs unfair results? And how do we prove that the results
are unfair?
The examination centre provided a list of teacher predicted grades, called 'centre assessed grades' (CAGs)
The students were listed in rank order with no ties.
For large cohorts (over 15)
With exams with a large cohort; the previous results of the centre were consulted. For each of the three previous years, the number of students getting each grade (A* to U) is noted. A percentage average is taken.
This distribution is then applied to the current years students-irrespective of their individual CAG.
A further standardisation adjustment could be made on the basis of previous personal historic data: at A level this could be a GCSE result, at GCSE this could be a Key Stage 2 SAT.
For small cohorts, and minority interest exams (under 15).
The individual CAG is used unchanged
The formulas
for large schools with n>=15
for small schools with n<15
The variables
n is the number of pupils in the subject being assessed
k is a specific grade
j indicates the school
Ckj is the historical grade distribution of grade at the school (centre) over the last three years, 2017-19.
That tells us already that the history of the school is very important to Ofqual. The grades other pupils got in previous years is a huge determinant to the grades this year’s pupils were given in 2020. The regulator argues this is a plausible assumption but for many students it is also an intrinsically unfair one: the grades they are given are decided by the ability of pupils they may have never met.
qkj is the predicted grade distribution based on the class’s prior attainment at GCSEs. A class with mostly 9s (the top grade) at GCSE will get a lot of predicted A*s; a class with mostly 1s at GCSEs will get a lot of predicted Us.
pkj is the predicted grade distribution of the previous years, based on their GCSEs. You need to know that because, if previous years were predicted to do poorly and did well, then this year might do the same.
rj is the fraction of pupils in the class where historical data is available. If you can perfectly track down every GCSE result, then it is 1; if you cannot track down any, it is 0.
CAG is the centre assessed grade.
Pkj is the result, which is the grade distribution for each grade k at each school j.