Schnorr improve privacy on some scenario, but it doesn't make Bitcoin anonymous. Bitcoin need to implement technology such as Confidential Transaction and Ring Signatures to make Bitcoin anonymous.
SO why haven't they done it?
Because the revolving door, just like MIL today all the original BTC-CORE people are in US-GOV jobs, and/or US-GOV setup CIA/FBI/IRS exchanges running things for the GOV.
Of course the GOV doesn't want REAL PRIVACY, and REAL anonymity, that's only for CIA officers, not the general public.
Sort of like TOR being created by the MIL, SO US-MIL could have private conversations on the internet, TOR was not meant for little people
The entire deal is little people are stuck with BITCOIN, and the big guys get to use Monero, or zSnark
But never mind cuz GOV is letting everybody get rich before IRS-COINBASE with-holds the 90% new biden crypto-tax, of course since 99% of you don't hold your private keys on the exchanges, they will withhold cuz they can
Keeping the majority in the public eye, makes asset forfeiture super easy for GOV, they intend to keep it this way
People who want to PRESERVE & Keep their wealth, KNOW they must have REAL 100% privacy, and BITCOIN got in BED with the FBI-IRS years ago, and is now married and spawned children called IRS-COINBASE, RIOT, ... BTC-ETF is coming, .... all same-same as ever
Like the "Gov Lottery", BiTcoin is just the NEW tax on Stupid People
Major arguments for bitcoin, are brought to you by IMF, BIS, FBI, IRS, and US-Treasury.
A classic set of misconceptions or cliches that can often be heard from people who know nothing or almost nothing about it. It is more like an excuse to the question “why I don’t use, I don’t invest, I don’t study” - ready-made answers for such people. It is enough to spend at least two weeks on the Internet, read the forum, study articles of professionals and serious investors to get rid of this nonsense forever.
I disagree, it takes year to be a proficient C++ programmer, it takes years to study all the software ETH&BTC, and read all the white-papers
It takes years to roll up your sleeves and experiment with all the software.
Nobody learns 'BTC' in a few weeks, and the first thing is SHUT-OFF the damn internet, nobody learns on the internet, its all paid bots pushing a narrative of moronity.
Hell, if you want to learn BTC, read the first few years of the USENET crypto before & after Satoshi left, then you will get a clear view of BTC.
Only fools say "I invested in a lotto ticket"
Early people, got to mine, and acquire their BTC/ETH for free, smart people created alt-coins and acquired pre-mined coins for free; that's where the real wealth is
Late adopters, johnny come late folks trying to 'get rich quick' always get screwed when the ponzi collapses
All the arguments for BITCOIN post 2014 are LIES, by LIARS. All the arguments for BTC prior to 2012 were Libertarian in Nature, a conviction post Trump that is now illegal.
I only trust the original libertarian ideals of BTC, everything else is GOV, and/or Criminal bullshit.
[moderator's note: consecutive posts merged]