Theres no such thing about consistency or assurance on profiting on daily basis. Bots are for automation not just some sort of money making thing on where most people do have that kind of wrong perception.
Automation settings and its outcome will always vary on users capability on tweaking things basing on its trading knowledge.
Next, Do you really believe that someone will have that kind of confidence on throwing up some bucks into that address given? I would rather trust up than on this one.
Bots are really useful and "may" save you a lot of time and money if you are an established trader already , if an experienced/established trader implements his own trading strategy & technical analysis into a bot , then most likely the bot will do his job even better by making trading more stable , efficient and emotionless. Even a semi-bot working a a trade indicator will save you some brain calories.
The dark side of trading bots are when marketing over describes a bot capabilities , thats where misunderstandings happen and people lose their trust to bots & trading technology.
Lastly i want to state that , if there are profitable strategies & technical analysis then there is a potential bot ready to be made behind that strategy.