
Topic: Man created in Gods image is BS..The devil More like it. - page 2. (Read 2091 times)

Activity: 1218
Merit: 1003
We are the champions of the night
Religion is all about geography so stop arguing. You just can't win against hc christians, they just won't listen to the arguments or even consider them and from what I'm seeing here, bible means shit, because everyone can understand it as they want to, like a blank paper, draw what you want. Also... All Hail Odin, King of Asgard!

Atheists are so willful that they can talk themselves out of the evidence that virtually proves God:
1. the machine quality of the universe; machines need makers;
2. the fact of no pure random; everything operates by cause and effect, action and reaction; Who or What is the Great first Cause;
3. NOBODY has a valid understanding of consciousness or conscience, because they are of such a complicated, complex realm entirely.

Now, if the so called atheist woke up to the above, he/she would be able to partake of the search for which god is the real God.

1: Fine-tuned universe fallacy

2: So everything has to have been caused by something, but fuck all the rules god didn't so he has to be real.  Real sound logic

3: Yeah, that doesn't prove god, just that we don't know something
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
Religion is all about geography so stop arguing. You just can't win against hc christians, they just won't listen to the arguments or even consider them and from what I'm seeing here, bible means shit, because everyone can understand it as they want to, like a blank paper, draw what you want. Also... All Hail Odin, King of Asgard!

Atheists are so willful that they can talk themselves out of the evidence that virtually proves God:
1. the machine quality of the universe; machines need makers;
2. the fact of no pure random; everything operates by cause and effect, action and reaction; Who or What is the Great First Cause that actually used pure random to set up the machine of the universe;
3. NOBODY has a valid understanding of consciousness or conscience, because they are of such a complicated, complex realm entirely.

Now, if the so called atheist woke up to the above, he/she would be able to partake of the search for which god is the real God.

Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
The bible is very tricky, we were created in his image as in we have our own choices and can do whatever we want. How do you know it's not the Devil that should rule - Lucifer got sent to hell for trying to change things in heaven, maybe we are supposed to change things in this life?

Read the book "The secret history of the world" to get a bigger view of things, 1 week in the bible may not be 1 week as we see it - the earth wasn't created in 1 week but way longer 1 week is just a metaphor.

The devil needs to compete with God in every way if he wants to rule. Few realize that the only thing that the devil can create (just so he could say that he created something) is destruction. God created everything else. Anyone who wants destruction to rule hasn't really thought the matter over very well.

In scientific language, it is more like one of the first weeks after creation isn't the same as one of our weeks, because physics is changing. The physics of the universe was different back then than it is now. For example, we know now that the speed of light changes, at least a little, on a regular basis.

Why would physics change? Our scientifically minded age doesn't consider the main, underlying law of the universe: Love God above all things. God is real. God holds the universe. In fact, in Him we live and move and have our being. So, with the changes where mankind move further and further into sin everyday, how could that NOT affect God so that He might change the physics of the universe to match the heart of mankind?

Modern scientific understandings of entropy do not include God's feelings for man in the universe. Yet God is the all-important thing that affects the whole universe.

hero member
Activity: 782
Merit: 1000
Religion is all about geography so stop arguing. You just can't win against hc christians, they just won't listen to the arguments or even consider them and from what I'm seeing here, bible means shit, because everyone can understand it as they want to, like a blank paper, draw what you want. Also... All Hail Odin, King of Asgard!
hero member
Activity: 490
Merit: 500
The bible is very tricky, we were created in his image as in we have our own choices and can do whatever we want. How do you know it's not the Devil that should rule - Lucifer got sent to hell for trying to change things in heaven, maybe we are supposed to change things in this life?

Read the book "The secret history of the world" to get a bigger view of things, 1 week in the bible may not be 1 week as we see it - the earth wasn't created in 1 week but way longer 1 week is just a metaphor.
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
Allah doesn't have an image.  other than Mohammed

That's why the medical has the sign of the double snake entwined on a pole. Satan has an image, and the medical is twice as bad.

sr. member
Activity: 252
Merit: 250
Allah doesn't have an image.  other than Mohammed
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
I won't fault you, otrkid70, for missing a whole section of what really happened. History is full of things that don't make sense. Most of the time they don't make sense because people don't take into account some of the things that happened. Maybe they don't know because some of the info simply isn't available, or maybe they ignored it when they had it.

With regard to man being created in God's image, if this was all that happened, then there might be question. Another major thing that happened was that the angel who was supposed to nurture mankind in the Garden, turned against God, and tempted people into sin. Because of the way he did it, and the strength he had, people were remade to some extent, into the likeness of this fallen angel.

Why the churches don't express this in a clear way is a mystery. It is written right in the Old Testament for everyone to see. It is quoted below from Ezekiel 28:11-19 (NIV 1984). Remember that much of the quote is figurative language. Remember, Ezekiel is speaking about the king of Tyre at the same time that he is speaking about Satan... because this king at this time in history, was a good example of some of the things that Satan was in the Beginning.

11The word of the LORD came to me: 12“Son of man, take up a lament concerning the king of Tyre and say to him: ‘This is what the Sovereign LORD says: “You were the model of perfection, full of wisdom and perfect in beauty.

13You were in Eden, the garden of God; every precious stone adorned you: ruby, topaz and emerald, chrysolite, onyx and jasper, sapphire, turquoise and beryl. Your settings and mountings were made of gold; on the day you were created they were prepared.

14 You were anointed as a guardian cherub, for so I ordained you. You were on the holy mount of God; you walked among the fiery stones.

15You were blameless in your ways from the day you were created till wickedness was found in you.

16Through your widespread trade you were filled with violence, and you sinned. So I drove you in disgrace from the mount of God, and I expelled you, O guardian cherub, from among the fiery stones.

17Your heart became proud on account of your beauty, and you corrupted your wisdom because of your splendor. So I threw you to the earth; I made a spectacle of you before kings.

18By your many sins and dishonest trade you have desecrated your sanctuaries. So I made a fire come out from you, and it consumed you, and I reduced you to ashes on the ground in the sight of all who were watching.

19All the nations who knew you are appalled at you; you have come to a horrible end and will be no more." ’ "

hero member
Activity: 882
Merit: 1000
ok, so just follow me here.

Modern man creates, clones, and splices genes already.

Some mad scientist creates a new human race with these new genes.

The new race destroys the old race.

1000years go by.

Traces of the past civilization are found and worshiped as belonging to god. the mad scientist who created the new race.

1000years goes by, repeat......
hero member
Activity: 882
Merit: 1000
whew, I'm glad we cleared that up.
hero member
Activity: 882
Merit: 1000

beat you to it
hero member
Activity: 882
Merit: 1000

If GOD was really ancient aliens who genetically manipulated ancient man by splicing with their alien dna, then yes, god created man in his own image.


Michael Tsarion
Atlantis, Ancient Aliens, and genetic manipulation.
sr. member
Activity: 476
Merit: 500
I like boobies
Sorry but it isn't so.  If you've ever experienced full egodeath you would know for yourself.  It is impossible for matter to produce a dimension as such, as the dimension is composed of only infinite pure energy, love.

Saying you're killing in the name of god does not always mean you're killing in the name of god.  The Catholic church certainly didn't do so.  There is a huge deception in the world today, we are given a materialistic description of a being of energy.

God is love, all, positivity, oneness, light and infinity.

Man kills because we are imposed to the forces of gravity in this life on hell.  Earth is heaven and hell, it just depends how you perceive life.

Humanity does not need to live through cycles of life and death.  There is another way.  We can build a cycle of positive energy within ourselves and around us.  We can feed off the vast energy of the universe.  We can consciously ascend and become gods of reality on earth.  Dreams can become heaven.  Earth is rising beyond the dimension of matter, one lifestyle change now can give you a future of infinite peace.

And again, regarding the existence and creation of ego/satan & god.

Both always have.  Consciousness is a denser form of energy than matter, it is exponeitially more powerful than negativity.  You can experience infinite light with no darkness, but you can't experience nothing without any light.  Nothing is nothing, everything is everything.  Everything is god.

BTW, think I misinterpreted the title.  But this ties in to what I said, satan holds major influence in this world at the present day but earth is becoming aware of the imbalance and correcting her self.  The land will find peace and the forces of evil will be removed from earth as earth completes the transition.

And oyo, you are god.
It was ego that created god. People feel the need to be special and fear the thought of only having this one life to live. I accept reality. It's unfortunate that 'egodeath', being some metaphysical pursuit, is not the actual death of ego. I honestly believe people would be far healthier and happier if they would just accept reality for what it is.
Activity: 1134
Merit: 1002
You cannot kill love
Sorry but it isn't so.  If you've ever experienced full egodeath you would know for yourself.  It is impossible for matter to produce a dimension as such, as the dimension is composed of only infinite pure energy, love.

Saying you're killing in the name of god does not always mean you're killing in the name of god.  The Catholic church certainly didn't do so.  There is a huge deception in the world today, we are given a materialistic description of a being of energy.

God is love, all, positivity, oneness, light and infinity.

Man kills because we are imposed to the forces of gravity in this life on hell.  Earth is heaven and hell, it just depends how you perceive life.

Humanity does not need to live through cycles of life and death.  There is another way.  We can build a cycle of positive energy within ourselves and around us.  We can feed off the vast energy of the universe.  We can consciously ascend and become gods of reality on earth.  Dreams can become heaven.  Earth is rising beyond the dimension of matter, one lifestyle change now can give you a future of infinite peace.

And again, regarding the existence and creation of ego/satan & god.

Both always have.  Consciousness is a denser form of energy than matter, it is exponeitially more powerful than negativity.  You can experience infinite light with no darkness, but you can't experience nothing without any light.  Nothing is nothing, everything is everything.  Everything is god.

BTW, think I misinterpreted the title.  But this ties in to what I said, satan holds major influence in this world at the present day but earth is becoming aware of the imbalance and correcting her self.  The land will find peace and the forces of evil will be removed from earth as earth completes the transition.

And oyo, you are god.
sr. member
Activity: 476
Merit: 500
I like boobies
While i am Religious in a sense I Don't believe in the Bs the Bible says "Man is created in the image of god"

Let's look at Mankind.

We Devour every inch of the planet in our Appetite for destruction,Wealth,Fame and self achievement.

We Kill everything.....Nothing is off limits. Not a a single creature is safe from our reach. We kill in the name of God...The name of  fortune...The name of of self Greed.

We shall hunt and kill animals in our pursuit to make our dicks bigger and our sex drive last longer I.E. ( Rhinos,Elephants,Tigers,Whales) while we believe the process of killing these creatures makes our small Dicks bigger and our sex drives longer (All asians) this is not the case.

We pollute, Clear cut, Develop,Kill and repeat the process.....Over and over again.  It NEVER stops.

We are the Single creature on the planet that does NOT contribute anything towards the successful future of the planet.
Everything contributes towards the future of planet with the Exception of Mankind.

You, me and everyone you know see and have ever been in contact with have helped bring the planet to it's knees.

We have NOT been created in God's Image in fact we were created in just the opposite Image.....Satan.

Welcome to the machine.
Hi otrkid70, Awesome post here. I like what you wrote (it being quite original), albeit I don't entirely agree. Here's why. (Still love it though. Smiley)

I actually believe that most people are somewhat decent, but they basically give the bad motherfuckers free reign because of things like the bible and societal laws which defers their power and responsibility to do anything about it to a higher power. That higher power is owned and created by the bad motherfuckers. Tools devised to rule over us. Yes, including the bible. Thanks Emperor Constantine. (Look it up for yourself.) See the problem here?

The godbots believe, "God is all knowing. God is Love."
Hmm... let's see how that holds up...
God creates Satan, knowing full well he will cast him into Hell.
God creates us, knowing full well he will cast us out of Eden.
Anyone else see a pattern here?
The godbots answer to this is, "God gave us free will."
Does god not have free will too? If he truly made everything, then it stands to reason, he made it according to his own wishes knowing full well the outcome. Why make something only to torture it? How is that loving? That's actually pretty fucking evil, don't you think? That's why I say...
Ya, I said it. I say it a lot. So what? Fuck unicorns too!

I'll just finish off my rant by saying, I'm a nice person (if I do say so myself, but in fact I've been told this by most everyone I know) and I don't need the fear of god or the bible to make me this way. I have a conscience and a sense of common decency towards ALL life, not just mankind. Actually, I respect all other lifeforms more than I do mankind, since I believe them to be innocent, unlike ourselves. Although I originally said that most of us are pretty much decent people, it is our complacency that makes us guilty and deserving of whatever fate the bad motherfuckers have in store for us (myself included) and indeed all life on this planet.

"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing." - Edmund Burke

sr. member
Activity: 270
Merit: 250
Nobody is going to reply properly if you are going to type like that. Learn English.
hero member
Activity: 920
Merit: 1014
While i am Religious in a sense I Don't believe in the Bs the Bible says "Man is created in the image of god"

Let's look at Mankind.

We Devour every inch of the planet in our Appetite for destruction,Wealth,Fame and self achievement.

We Kill everything.....Nothing is off limits. Not a a single creature is safe from our reach. We kill in the name of God...The name of  fortune...The name of of self Greed.

We shall hunt and kill animals in our pursuit to make our dicks bigger and our sex drive last longer I.E. ( Rhinos,Elephants,Tigers,Whales) while we believe the process of killing these creatures makes our small Dicks bigger and our sex drives longer (All asians) this is not the case.

We pollute, Clear cut, Develop,Kill and repeat the process.....Over and over again.  It NEVER stops.

We are the Single creature on the planet that does NOT contribute anything towards the successful future of the planet.
Everything contributes towards the future of planet with the Exception of Mankind.

You, me and everyone you know see and have ever been in contact with have helped bring the planet to it's knees.

We have NOT been created in God's Image in fact we were created in just the opposite Image.....Satan.

Welcome to the machine.
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