When you question him or post conflicting data, he just calls you a "leftist idiot". It's become like trying to debate with a brick wall...
Anyone who pays much attention to contentious scienctific debates in our time (vaccinations, GMOs, global climate change, etc) recognizes 'peer review' as a laughable circle-jerk which means little or nothing when corporate money is involved and corporate profits are on the line.
That pinhead protokol doesn't have the intellect to incorporate such holistic analysis.
Smallpox was eradicated from the Earth due to vaccination (pretty much, some strains still exist in high security virology labs, but the general population doesn't suffer from it because it was destroyed through vaccination programmes). That in itself is a some pretty thorough evidence that some vaccines at least work as they should. Many other serious diseases are now under control through vaccination.
You repeat your same error from the AGW thread, in that you think a century is of any significance at all relative to the repeating cycles throughout all of recorded history.
Smallpox is not eradicated. It may be dormant and eventually will mutate and pounce again.
The benefit from some vaccinations may be worth it, but we can't know the costs. We don't know what impacts we are making. For example, by ruining human natural selection for surviving viruses, we may be preparing ourselves for a megadeath due to allowing many of the weak DNA to proliferate (procreate).
A. This chart only looks at deaths in the US from 1900-1965 (a pretty small amount of time),
And you conveniently argue against the relevance of short periods of time when it suits your agenda. You are not objective.
As for your cancer comments, you should know that one of the main reasons that cancer has become so prevalent is because humans are living longer and longer, giving cancer more time to develop. That's why you don't see many animals in their natural environments get cancer, because they die from other causes before cancer kills them. Modern medicine has increased the life expectancy by a huge amount, so cancers have obviously become a statistically higher killer. This is well known in the scientific community.
Prove that jackass.
Explain how the Japanese on Okinawa live so long without cancer.
http://www.hngn.com/articles/7367/20130710/okinawa-diet-followers-average-life-span-116-years-eat-video.htmAnswer me this: Why is the life expectancy of the majority of the world's population (at least in the most developed countries) at an all time high? If vaccines are deadly, wouldn't we be seeing a decrease in life expectancy?
Food for thought.
Do you have an IQ of 105?
WTF is wrong with your brain.
As if vaccines are the only technological improvement over the past century which has impacted the quality of life of humans.
What about refrigeration.
I don't like the idea of too much state involvement in people's personal lives, but I also don't believe herd immunity should be compromised because some parents refuse to vaccinate their children - it puts others in danger that may not be able to be vaccinated for real medical reasons (such as allergic reactions)
I don't think full on prosecution of parents is fair, but I do think they should be "persuaded" to vaccinate - for example some countries have started stopping welfare/benefits for parents who refuse to vaccinate their children. That seems like a good idea to me.
Now you show your true face.
You behave like a narcissistic little dictator, who knows it all and likes to play god. It's disgusting.
It's unbearable to read your delusional belief in medical pseudo-science and open disrespect for individual freedom.
You are now on my ignore list.
Another Hitler wolf in "kind, caring, leftist" sheepskin.
These are the most dangerous virus on the planet and we need a forced eradication plan to remove them from the planet. Ignore is too Libertarian, hit him with his own philosophical insanity.