@Crestington, I was thinking the same after posting man..
I too *only got involved because of the chance of maybe making some money.
so I like to think I got into this stuff for 50% profit and 50% tech stuff or what ever.
What has worried me is when too many guys are ONLY here for the profit side.
My own brother told me Fuck Bitcoin I just want money when we mentioned this matter
and I was kind of disgusted at that attitude..
reality is many guys here are, loitering around for nothing but money reasons *only.
and the top 10% of the money (richest) play by their own rules.
Well I really like the tech and it is a pursuit for me to advance the tech and learn as much as I can but I also want to make profit and do this stuff fulltime and make money at it.
You said it yourself during the whole Blocknet debacle "why don't people try to float all boats"
Maybe you aren't making millions of dollars and have less profit but then everyone can make money and that resonates. Let say someone IS in the pursuit of profit purely for their own gain through ICO's, hidden premines, scammy exchanges etc. Well on the internet you really cannot hide anything you do so eventually someone will leak the truth so your name is shot and the ones that are working hard and making a go of it would never want any association so what would be left is to either give up or continue scamming people until it blows up in your face.
If you are working for the pursuit of the tech and to make a business out of it, there is lots of room to make money especially if you can learn so much that you can become a sort of guru (I'm not a guru). If you know that much then others will come to you for advice and help and you can charge what you want depending on the complexity of the work. Nasdaq and Wallstreet are only just getting into Crypto so where are they going to get help? All the most experienced people are here, not on wallstreet, they have money and we have experience.
If you are wondering, I haven't really made any money at Crypto and spent probably $2k over the last year for help from various people. I've also helped a lot of people with problems where I could and haven't asked for money from them, even turned down some offers because I wasn't confident enough as to what I was doing (and lack of time).
Maybe the goal should not be how much money you can make, but how little money you can spend? lol