f8bcd3d068a6b35c92902a8d57e0e773e4e35352 has passed at block 58377, which occurred on August 16, 2015 UTC.
The motion text states:
This motion confirms BlockShareholders' desire to cease the sale of undistributed BKS. At 23:59 UTC on the 5th day after this motion passes no new buy offers will be accepted by B&C Exchange. For purposes of accounting, this time will be defined as the time a message is received by B&C Exchange, not when the message was sent. At 23:59 UTC on the 7th day after this motion passes all undistributed BKS that have not been requested for purchase will be burned. At 23:59 UTC on the 14th day after this motion passes all undistributed BKS will be burned, including those that had been reserved for purchase, but no payment was sent.
Accordingly, the sale of undistributed BlockShares held in our possession will stop soon. There are three important dates specified by the motion.
August 21, 2015 (23:59 UTC) - We will stop accepting offers to purchase BlockShares. For purposes of accounting, this time will be defined as the time a message is received by B&C Exchange, not when the message was sent. If you are planning on making a final purchase, please don't leave it until the last minute, as we will not extend this deadline for any reason. This date is five days after the motion passed.
August 23, 2015 (23:59 UTC) - Any BlockShares that have not been requested for purchase by August 21, 2015 will be burned. We will post details of the burn transaction publicly so that all shareholders can verify it was completed. This date is seven days after the motion passed.
August 30, 2015 (23:59 UTC) - Any BlockShares remaining that have not been paid for - including those that were requested for purchase but not paid for - will be burned. At this point, all undistributed BlockShares will have been destroyed as per the motion. This date is fourteen days after the motion passed.
We will provide regular updates on total fundraising as we approach these milestone dates.