A very risky type of trade that helps you to trade bigger with small money (leverage). It has not relevance with '' just hodl '', it is very risky for beginners. In others, you just wait and the price of the coins in your wallet remains the same, even if the price is reduced. But, when you lose here, you lose the number of coins.
Yeah, it is always more like you borrowing money to trade a position in the market and if you tend to borrow more, the faster you get liquidated of your own funds if things go awry and in this case I believe anyone should understand that it is a whole lot of risk to take when it comes to going the marginal way.
Of course a lot of people would argue that the chances of going long or shorting the market to make more money from trading is there, but usually, the more you can make when it comes to profit is also the way the risk can end up high and if you do not have the knowledge to always pull through, trading the marginal way would be a hard thing to do.