I get the impression parole is a pretty rare occurrence. It's certainly nowhere near automatic like it is in other places.
I find it strange that such an advanced country has a legal system that seems so unfit for purpose. A 99% conviction rate and no juries does not sound reassuring to those in search of actual justice.
Yeah, this isn't going to be an easy parole system. I think, even with all the objective view (this is supposed to be a court of law after all), this case was a watershed moment for Bitcoin in Japan. In their society and with their value system, this was a particularly low kind of dishonour, and the shame they felt after Mt Gox will still sting. As unfair and unjust as the system may be (my own country abolished the jury system in the 1990s so I think I know how that foes), I'm sure there's still a system and Japan is as fair as it gets.
Ranked 15th globally on the Rule of Law Index, and even higher score in criminal and civil justice). There are flaws with the jury system too, I mean, had they been one, I'm inclined to think Karpeles would have had it worse.