The Mastercoin protocol will continue to evolve, and currently there is no clear way to evolve the protocol in a decentralized manner. I think it's essential that nobody, including client developers and members of the Mastercoin Foundation, have any kind of control over the protocol. Its users should vote on any desired protocol change using a Proof Of Stake like system.
Booo! This is garbage. The EU makes some of the least effective laws ever because they are a giant committee of 22+ members. This project needs a top decision maker - and that is JR. As soon as you decentralize the rule, the project will wander about going nowhere as consensus becomes impossible and everyone gets jaded about what the other guy is doing. JR is so far an excellent lead who gives loads of leeway for participants to work on what they like. No way in hell should we ruin this project by removing a clear, strong leader with objectives.
Time for you to cool off ripper. Proposing to remove the project lead - and install your dumb direction is bad news. If you want a project with no leader, go join the idiots who participate in many of those. Mastercoin was set up as a for profit entity and those who own coins want it to one day be worth a shitload. Who is making money off Linux? Nobody. This aint Linux.