interesting, so how many Mastercoin would the issuer need to issue a new security with X number of shares at Y price? is there a formula? any predictable measure?
The smallest amount of MSC would be sufficient.
I think the problem with MSC is that software developers are too embroiled with layering protocol layers but forgetting that economics is just as important.
Bitcoin is a protocol for ensuring that there are no double spends, plain and simple. Sure you can embed messaging and maybe facebook likes or what ever you can think of, but what is the point if it does not tie back to the currency?
I might as well go back to HTTP, at least its instantaneous and not like 1 message every 10 minutes!
Anyway, with iXcoin's implementation, if you want 1 million shares, then you create maybe 10,000 IXC to hold them. The price of each of that shares is defined by the company that it represents, all that IXC does is ensure you can trade these shares in distributed exchanges. Is there a price relationship between the user issued shares and IXC, yes there is, the user issued shares price doesn't go below 1/10,000 of an IXC. In short, they should be worth more than the paper that its printed on!
Why use iXcoin versus Bitcoin? Well it's like printing stock certificates on paper versys printing on gold.
Why iXcoin instead of any other alt coin? iXcoin is secured by almost 6 peta hash per second (Bitcoin is at 12 peta has per second). So you are pretty much assured that exchanges of your user defined coin is extremely secure.
Why haven't I heard of iXcoin? The user defined currencies are in the works right now and plan on releasing it with the 0.8.7 version of the client. Previous work was to update the old version to be on par with Bitcoin at 0.8.6.