I have code ready which can send MasterCoins. Here is what it looks like in action (ignore the first line which is from a previous run):
Source code is here:
https://github.com/dacoinminster/MasterCoin-Adviser/blob/master/MasterCoinAdvisor.pyAnd here:
https://github.com/dacoinminster/MasterCoin-Adviser/blob/master/base58_found.pyIn order to use this source code, you will need to install python 2.7 and also pycrypto for python 2.7, which I got here:
http://www.voidspace.org.uk/python/modules.shtml#pycryptoOn one PC I had to mess with my PATH environment variable to find python and the pycrypto libraries, but when I tried it again on a different PC, I didn't have to mess with the PATH variable at all. Your mileage may vary.
If you wish to avoid compiling, and you are a trusting sort of person, you can use the executable I made using py2exe:
https://github.com/dacoinminster/MasterCoin-Adviser/raw/master/MasterCoinAdvisorExecutable.zip - I think the executable will only work if you have the right version of Microsoft's C Runtime DLL:
http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/en/details.aspx?FamilyID=9b2da534-3e03-4391-8a4d-074b9f2bc1bf&displaylang=enThose of you who are affected by the Android wallet security problem should try this out right away. Let me know if you see anything weird.
Please note that I still have some testing to do of this code - I just wanted to make sure you guys got hold of this functionality as soon as possible! If something isn't right in this code, I'll try to make sure that nothing you do gets lost. Still, sending MasterCoins from one address to another to another to another might not be a good idea yet!
There are some debug outputs commented out in the code right now, but you might want to turn them back on if you are playing with this code.
This code does NOT parse the block chain to see if you actually have MasterCoins to send, or track MasterCoins which have been sent. That is the next milestone after the giveaway thread.
I am attempting to use your software to send MSC to someone who paid me for them.
I downloaded your py2exe executable and this does not work.... when I get to the 3rd prompt after pasting the BTC address and hittingenter...the whole executable just disappears. Using Windows 7 here.
So now I am trying to figure out the python thing with the source code, but this is just getting very complicated and frustrating. IM not a programmer.
I need help to get this to someone...can you please help me???