Absolutely, but it's going to take some time to develop. Please follow the development of the user currencies feature in particular as it might be the feature you're looking for.
Thanks. Is there a centralized location where I can follow updates? Is a rough timeframe available?
In the MasterCoin Spec doc user-created currencies are described as the most important feature- so is this a priority on the dev timeline?
You project sounds great!
As far as updates:
Try out blog.mastercoin.org we have updates there and also links to groups on facebook, google or linkedin, so whichever you prefer. I will be adding quora, twitter and others soon.
Right now the devs are working on p2p exchange.
I believe currencies and smart property come after that.
Yeah. Although note that "currencies" will be first implemented as CFDs and not the original "backed currencies" concept, which may follow later on.
In this case it seems they are requesting the backed currencies feature. CFDs seem to be more for reproducing USD because it can provide absolute stability in the price 1:1 with the USD.
I think CFD is probably easier to implement and less controversial so I do not blame the foundation for choosing to implement it first.