Match fixing is against the rule of games and that is corruption, so for that, no one here will be willing to take your offer even if they know a player in the mentioned games, I think many of us here have kick against that match fixing of a thing and at most we definitely not interested in this offer here, you may look else we're, where illegal deals are permitted but definitely not on bitcointalk.
I don't know what this world is turning into, blatant illegality is openly displayed without any shame and before you know it they would have told you to contact them on Telegram where they know they can remain anonymous and untouchable, this is sad.
When Pavel Durov was arrested in France a while ago, I hardly saw a single person who sided with the government to at least be neutral and let both parties defend themselves, it was all about a revolution disregarding how we see how people are hiding under the platform to perpetrate illegality/evil known and unknown and Durov looked away in the name of freedom of speed.
To curb more menace like this, the internet must be better refined in my opinion.