DOT is also a good project because a couple of weeks ago I was reading such news on DOT Twitter handle in which they announced they are collaborating COD(Call of Duty) which is really a famous mobile game they mentioned one more good with which they are collaborating I do not remember the name of that project but I had research on that project which is based on Metaverse and provide game development services So these kinds of collaboration can make it really skyroacking in coming altcoin bull season.
On the other hand, I am not saying that MATIC is a bad or good project it may be a good project but I do not have this in my portfolio because I do not have any information, knowledge, or research about this project. I know It has good hype in the market I have seen many people preferring it and investing in it what do you think where it can reach in the coming alt Season?
I've been buying MATIC little by little, it's a great second layer solution, still in the development phase, of course...
I imagine it could reach a value of between 6 and 8 dollars in the next market rally