IMO its obvious that its connected to 0.5 payout-fee. I have 5xwithdrawals and I'm missing 2.01 MAX. 4 auto-payouts and 1 manual withdrawal when fee was fixed = 2.01 MAX total.
It's same for me. I have 28 payouts and 28*0.5=14 Max missing.
Hmm.. Very, very strange.. But it should be recorded in transaction history then ... AND the MAX must be somewhere ?!
Ticket is opened, we will see.
Yeah, check your wallet and return them to us?
Same with you, you've already received all your 96 Coins:
Please check your wallets.
Also as a sidenote:
An other user also reported me this optical issue after they looked into their wallet and saw that full payout was there, I'll check this with the frontend developers, at the end its important whats in your wallet, and thats the full sum you've mined for.