
Topic: MAXX Finance - Most reliable Staking Dapp is coming soon - page 2. (Read 670 times)

copper member
Activity: 68
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How bigt will Defi and Web 3.0 be?

If you watch and listen to mainstream media, you probably think that DeFi and Web 3.0 are not that big of a deal. A passing phase or just a gimmick like NFT’s.

However, the objective reality is much different. DeFi and Web 3.0 is literally the backbone of an etirely new system. It will be even bigger than the internet itself. All you have to do is just look at how this space is evolving.

In just 5 to 10 years time we all will be “techno-boomers” because we won’t be able to keep up with the ever increasing rate of innovation.

DeFi and Web 3.0 is THE REAL DEAL! All you have to do to see it, is to pull your head out of your ass, switch off the TV and think for yourself.
copper member
Activity: 68
Merit: 0
Exploring the MAXX Ecosystem

With DeFi markets bouncing back from what was considered one of the most significant shifts in its history, there is clearly a lot to learn for projects going forward that are operating in this space. With MAXX Finance, a new paradigm in DeFi is emerging, one that is embodying the knowledge of the past and is laying a foundation for trust, transparency, and stability along with unique innovation.

The MAXX team came together with one common goal in mind — to bring a fair and trustworthy protocol to market with a utility-focused token, backed by an ecosystem with sustainable yield.

The primary function of MAXX is to allow users the ability to stake $MAXX tokens and earn pre-programmed yields through smart contract-powered certified deposits.

Fair Launch Liquidity Amplifier

In previous years, communities have been burned by whale investors removing token liquidity due to unfair initial token distribution. MAXX avoids the possibility of whales entirely through an innovative approach to the initial token distribution.

Through our Liquidity Amplifier stage, where users can reserve tokens before launch, 40% of the supply is going to be sold during this 60-day stage. This allows us to fairly distribute a large portion of the public tokens to all participants at a fair price, avoiding any whales accumulating a disproportionate amount of tokens. Once this stage is complete, users have the ability to claim the reservations made for these tokens over 60 days and start interacting with the main staking smart contract.

Through this method, we are able to create a singular and level playing field for all MAXX users without the risk of downward pressure on our supportive community.

Sustainable Yield

Many individuals approaching the DeFi market are now more risk-averse, making MAXX an approachable and safe option for newcomers as well as those who are experienced in the DeFi space. Without a sustainable yield mechanism in place for those staking their cryptocurrency, the door remains open to heightened risk.

Our sustainable yield and transparent protocol structure ensure a stable ecosystem for staking that don’t fall victim to the mistakes of so many previous protocols. We’ve carefully researched countless projects and have learned from the mistakes of the past to safeguard staking in the future.

Utility Focused

DeFi has been flooded with tokens and projects with no tangible utility, leading to stifled project growth and slow undignified failure. What’s worse, communities are losing out on the promises of these failed ecosystems, leaving distrust and apprehension around entering the market.

With MAXX Finance we have focused on bringing real utility to our token and protocol by allowing users to protect the price of $MAXX as well as the protocol by staking and trading within the ecosystem, expanding its functionality as time progresses. With multiple revenue-generating mechanisms infused into our protocol, we have a formula for a stable and thriving economic loop. Aside from that, MAXX team is activelly participating in setting up full nodes and supporting different proof of stake chains, ensuring a constant revenue stream for the community and keeping the project solvant and growing at all times.
copper member
Activity: 68
Merit: 0
Will CEFI kill self custody?

The more noobs come into this market, the more they seem to forget the core principles of self custody that crypto was actually invented for.

Even the scammers are getting lazy. Most of these punks don’t even know what a fucking private key is.

Now that Blackrock is here to sodomize the entire crypto space and bring “mass adoption”, I’m wondering what will happen to self custody as we move along. We can go in 2 directions.

Crypto OG’s will win and self custody will be as mainstream as posting shit on social media ( whereby even your grandma can do it )

The new breed of centralized “crypto custodials” will pop up like mushrooms only to serve the function of the same old banks that we all came to “love” so much ( especially during 2008 )

What do you guys think will happen with self custody?
copper member
Activity: 68
Merit: 0
MAXX Finance now on CoinMarketCap & CoinGecko

Just like that the project which we have spent over a year planning is indexed on CoinMarketCap & CoinGecko. Just another milestone in the major things that are coming to this already amazing protocol is being able to publicly index it and have the world see the verifiable information from our blockchain staking protocol.

MAXX Finance is very proud and pleased to have this opportunity and we are gearing up to launch the next stage which is the free claim & amplifier. Be sure to follow our socials to stay up to date with all the updates, we have lots coming almost daily!

Join the best crypto community!

Join Our Team

copper member
Activity: 68
Merit: 0
DeFi and Web 3.0 - The new financial system

In the past, the large institutions have openly criticised crypto and blockchain in the same way that many fossils used to criticise the internet.

Now apparently they are all moving in on the action. There’s now even open talks about the arrival of the CBDC’s that will be blockchain based of course!

It’s clear as day that Decentralised Finance and Web 3.0 is not going anywhere. In fact, it’s beginning to look like it will be the backbone of the entire financial system. Many traditional finance guys have a hard time understanding it. We see it very clearly!

Financial products like NFT’s, blockchain based currencies and the lot. I wonder how many “middlemen” will be kicked out of their cushy seats because of DeFi and Web 3.0. Do you see real estate agents, notaries and sales agents flipping burgers because their jobs became obsolete? I do.

What do you guys think about DeFi and Web 3.0 taking over the world?
copper member
Activity: 68
Merit: 0
MAXX Q3 August 2022

We are so close to launch that you can almost feel the staking rewards coming to you in the MAXX Ecosystem, The MAXX team which is currently at over 20 people strong is working in full effect. Just like any great story nothing comes easy and requires lots of diligence to keep pushing to the final product and during our process we have had its ups and downs but nothing can ever stop MAXX from launching!

MAXX is preparing to deploy! Amplifier Stage Imminent! Dont panic! But Buckle Up!

This past month the primary goal of MAXX Finance was to create the ‘product’ that we have cradled to this point. The carefully crafted tokenomics which has been backtested was finally programmed and smart contracts were delivered in August. So what now?

The next steps were to have the dashboard linked to the smart contracts while we build the UI/UX based on our mock-up design & specifications. But just like any wounderland fairytale you don't just run up into the castle & sweep the princess off her feet and lead her into the bedroom to take her pans off… you need to fight a few dragons & kiss a few frogs in the process. The dragons we fought and won! We were forced to pivot with the previous front end developer of the dashboard due to incompetency to meet deadlines which at first was a bit worrisome to say the least… Ultimatly we were able to find two private developers which are doing a better job than the first one would have ever done. Which is a win, win!

This is a reminder that anything that happens always happens for a good reason unknown to us. The job is being done in a better more experienced way and this only benefits MAXX the users of the ecosystem.

The smart contracts have been vigorously tested the past month and we are testing and working out the UI/UX of the dashboard panel. The goal is to have the fully functional product available and launched this month so we are not thinking about making a fancy front-end website but more about the functionality and user journey of the panel.

The main website and front-end dashboard panel can always be upgraded into V.2 and beyond versions but the V.1 version will be the one we launch with and we think the dashboard appeal is pretty good at this point. We plan to have the front end website redone by the end of the LA (Liquidity Amplifier)

The dashboard panel is going to be the user facing panel that does everything and interacts with the main contracts all of this is wired & ready to go. Even our simple front facing website is just there for information as the dashboard is the most important part, plus the smart contracts. So cut us some slack ;P

The next step is to do the Audit of the smart contracts & KYC process so that the community & users will be comfortable interacting with the contracts and our platform. With this we are going to be green lit to launch MAXX Finance!!!

To be notified about the launch of MAXX you must be signed up to our whitelist!

During this time we will be running all of our campaigns 360 degree marketing plan, livestreams, twitter spaces, club houses, and any other platform we can tell the world about our amazing project!

Some of the notable achievements we have reached:

Telegram: 9,500 Members
Twitter: 14K Followers
Engagements: over 1 Million views across our platforms

☑️ MAXX tokenomics programmed
☑️ Smart contracts were delivered
☑️ Smart Contracts vigorously undergoing testing
☑️ Final UI/UX mock-ups of the Dashboard done
☑️ Prelaunch Giveaway started
☑️ Community GEO expanded
☑️ New members adding into whitelist
☑️ New Engagement Channels Mix
☑️ Systemized content deployment
☑️ Dashboard vigorously tested

Although we are very close to launch we encourage you, the community to help contribute to the project! Talk about us and spread the word! We are launching soon! But don't panic!

copper member
Activity: 68
Merit: 0
DeFi doom loop: supply and demand

The last few months of DeFi 1.0 meltdown has shown u just how quickly this space evolves and develops. We went from "food tokens" degen yield farming, to more serious purpose built platforms.

Aside from LUNA debacle, why did most DeFi platforms go to shit? Why do current airdrops suck? There's something fishy going on with supply and demand tokenomics. When you're dumpster-diving for the next "hot" altcoin, keep this in mind, because nobody has cancelled the good old laws of supply and demand yet.

No matter how cool and "sustainable" the project is, if there are no buyers on the other side, you're pretty much fucked! So it's pretty damn evident that the tokenomics and the real world use-case should reflect the very reason WHY anyone should buy and hodl the token you're researching. Currently most DeFi sucks! The good news is that from these ashes the DeFi 2.0 will emerge and take the world by storm in ways we can't even imagine.

Sounds like fantasy? Why do you think traditional financial institutions are licking their chops and getting into crypto? Lots to ponder here...
copper member
Activity: 68
Merit: 0
Why price of a coin/token doesn't matter

Many people don't seem to understand the matter of supply and demand. For example;

People are losing their shit over the BTC that will be distributed to the MtGox customers. Yes there's a chance that some of this BTC will hit the market, dragging the price down (subsequently dragging the entire market with it). However, it's important to see the complete picture;

In a few short weeks we will see a further meltdown of ALL markets. Capital will behave like a rat, trying to flee to all the nooks and crannies that will pay out a decent yield. Crypto neatly fits in this category. Why are the "Big boys" entering this market, while were are freaking out and losing our shit?

Let some MtGox dudes sell their BTC! They have been eating shit for years and they deserve a break. There's enough demand for BTC and decent alts out there. So it's not all as bad as it seems my dudes!
copper member
Activity: 68
Merit: 0
The MAXX Tax & Demand

Taxes, Taxes & More Taxes! There are two things you can’t avoid in life, death & taxes. MAXX Finance ecosystem taxes are created specifically to benefit the community that interacts with our token as a whole and here is why.

The MAXX Gamified Ecosystem

The innovative protocol behind MAXX Finance is the internal staking system. This system is gamified to create three necessary things to keep any project ticking, one is to create a demand for tokens and the second is to continue to fuel the deflationary vault which combats inflation & gives MAXX the ability to be backed by utility.

Supply Shortage — By creating stakes on the platform the user is removing supply for circulation. This immediately creates a situation that forces the price action up. The demand goes up and people start to pay more for the limited available tokens on the market.

Since the user will be able to start & end a stake willingly at any point they choose MAXX has implemented a small trade tax to encourage users to wait to create larger trades to get taxed less & penalties for those who decided to end stakes early. The ultimate goal is to keep the staking class staking to keep the supply out of circulation as long as possible. So the longer you stake the more MAXX tokens you earn and the fewer penalties & taxes you pay to the point where you may not be taxed at all!

Taxes — There will be buy/sell taxes that will scale down as the users trading volume grows — If you are trading low volume you will be forced to pay up to 2.5% per transaction but this dynamic tax system will encourage larger transactions which may encourage users to wait for multiple stakes to mature before selling.
EX. If you trade 500–5000 = 2.5%
5000–10000 =drops to 1.5%
10,000–50000 = Drops to 1%
(Subject To Change)

Penalties — Since MAXX is a completely decentralized system the user will always decide when to start a stake or end a stake even if this means ending a stake early. Since the user will be withdrawing early there will be a penalty that will be dynamic based on how early the stake will be canceled.
EX. If you end your stake early, you will be penalized a proportionate amount of the Principal + Interest
End at 80% of stake term, penalized 20%
End at 70% of stake term, penalized 30%

We believe this is the best approach to ensure larger liquidity and encourage users to stake for longer while waiting full term without having to jump in and out of the stakes causing disruption to the supply. This will ensure positive price appreciation. Ultimately these taxes & penalties are being sent back into the ecosystem which will fuel the MAXXVault which will grow this project to be the biggest self-sustained staking project ever created.
copper member
Activity: 68
Merit: 0
Our weekly Twitter Space discussions cover a wide range of important and interesting topics.

We will be doing a live stream this week on Thursday at 10 am EDT to discuss Taxes + Supply & Demand. Come to our livestream and ask questions.

We will announce the grand giveaway winners during the livestream. There is a chance that one of the hundred winners will share the 5000MATIC with you.

Join us for our discussion

copper member
Activity: 68
Merit: 0
It's Monday, but something's missing? Probably because you haven't watched our new YouTube video yet!

As part of our weekly video tradition, we're releasing a new video every Monday - click on the link to watch it!

Feel free to comment with your thoughts.

copper member
Activity: 68
Merit: 0
Congrats to the winners!

Yesterday on our Twitter Space, we announced 5 more winners who will receive 50 x $MATIC on their wallets. Please find below the nicknames of the winners in case you missed the Twitter Space:
Shogo Tokuda
Md Motalabe Hossain
Elyn Gem
Damian Szymański
copper member
Activity: 68
Merit: 0
Smart Contract Security Audit Schedule

Security in a smart contract and protocol is probably the most important thing that you should focus on. MAXX is no exception when it comes to focusing on security we take it very seriously, to say the least. In order to ensure that the community of MAXX finance is safe from any exploits or hacks we will be running the security audits in 3 stages.

1 — Public Bug Bounty Hackathon — A public offering to test and hack the smart contract with rewards up to $25,000

2 — Community Testing — A community available portal to run the protocol in testnet and find issues or problems with the platform

3 — Third Party Auditors — We will hire 1–2 third party auditor groups that will do the smart contract testing for MAXX Finance and create a audited report.

MAXX Finance has 2 primary contracts that are going to be created. The first contract will be the distribution of $MAXX to the community this is called the liquidity amplifier phase. This smart contract is fairly straight forward and will not require a security audit as the sole purpose of it is to collect $MATIC & Distribute free $MAXX tokens to the users. Below is an explanation of how this process works.

Liquidity Amplifier Phase Smart Contract — This contract specifically handles the distribution of $MAXX utility tokens which will allow you to enter a lobby over a period of 60 days to forfeit your $MATIC (POLYGON) Coin for your FREE $MAXX utility token. This contract will be responsible for the whole event of this exchange.

During this 60-day process, the second smart contract which is the MAXXStaking contract will be tested through a public bug bounty program that will give rewards to users in the form of payments USDT / USDC.

MAXX Staking Smart Contract — The staking contracts function is to allow users to remove the tokens from the supply and choose a duration in which they lock up their tokens in a smart contract & earn rewards in the form of $MAXX tokens. This is the primary function & the utility of MAXX tokens.

We will offer as much as $25,000 bounty programs to find flaws in these smart contracts. This will allow us to thoroughly test the smart contract prior to the ‘minting’ day of the liquidity amplifier phase.

Once we are done with this testing process, both internal & community testing is complete we will see if there are any issues that need to be resolved and changes to the smart contract completed to then send it off to the next & final steps which is to have both Certik & Solidity Finance complete their third party private audits.

MAXX believes this is the best way to launch the protocol and ensure MAXX security to the community.

For more updates follow our
copper member
Activity: 68
Merit: 0
We are continuing in showering you with our exciting announcements, and this time it is is about how Maxx is launching into its Amplifier Stage soon! Join the Whitelist if you want to stay on top of our news and not miss this event. To learn more about the launch, click here.
copper member
Activity: 68
Merit: 0
For this Twitter Space week we will be discussing yet another important topic: Inflation in Crypto, a feature, not a bug!
Be sure to drop by if you want to learn how to use crypto inflation to your advantage! Broadcast will take place on Thursday of September 1st, 10 am EDT!

copper member
Activity: 68
Merit: 0
We’ve uploaded a new video on our YouTube channel. This time, Alpha discussed the differences between decentralized finances (DeFi) and its centralized counterpart (CeFi). This is a small preview of a big, and are preparing the more in-depth version just for you. Head over to the link and subscribe, so you don’t miss out!
copper member
Activity: 68
Merit: 0
The State Of DeFi — Rapidly Advancing

When it comes to decentralized finance (defi) has advanced at a very high rate. Just a few years ago we remember when Uniswap came out & started offering a decentralized exchange of tokens which allowed users to rely less and less on centralized counterparties. Blockchain technology has been created to help remove middlemen & counterparty risk. As we move forward in the crypto space we can see all of the innovation.

Every day we are less reliant on these third parties and innovate to further disconnect ourselves from having these intermediary parties. In our eyes, a perfect defi space is a place where users can manage their accounts safely, without risk, and without having unnecessary counterparties. We envision the future of the space to give users direct onboarding from fiat — crypto & back. DeFi dApps are built into web3 of almost any website or platform and have the ability to both track and view all transactions on the blockchain.

MAXX has created an eco-system that allows users to store their own cryptocurrencies on cold storage wallets and interact with the protocol only when needed & never having any counterparty risk. A system that is backed by an actual tangible utility, thought through tokenomics that create a deflationary ecosystem. An ecosystem that is transparent and the token economics favor the ecosystem without promising unrealistic rewards or gains.

MAXX Finance is paving the way to new innovation in the defi web3 space & adding to the space to make it better as a whole for many years to come. Follow us for more information.

copper member
Activity: 68
Merit: 0
Is Defi and Web 3.0 just a phase?

When you take a look at the mainstream media, they are screaming from the rooftops that DeFi and Web 3.0 is just a phase.

Let’s rememnber for a moment that this “information” is coming from people who screwed the world back in 2008, so healthy skepticism is key here.

What we do know is that “the big boys” are now moving into DeFi and web 3.0 in general. Of course they will do their best to get in on the action first, and let their “talking heads” discourrage the masses from getting in on the action early.

DeFi and Web 3.0 is the future of pretty much all aspects of our lives! Even more important than the internet. Being in this market early (and staying in the market) is vital!
copper member
Activity: 68
Merit: 0
Our new YouTube video will definitely catch your attention.

Watch this video to learn more about Maxx Finance Liquidity Amplifier Smart Contract Stage.

With the help of this video, you will gain a deeper understanding of how a project will launch and why a liquidity amplifier stage is so essential.

copper member
Activity: 68
Merit: 0
Check out our youtube - How To Interact With MAXX Platform & Ecosystem
MAXX Finance is launching very soon! Lets get you ready for the dashboard & Amplifier!!!

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