McAfee had better be using really cheap electricity if it hopes to compete with the Chinese miners because that is one reason they are the leading miners.
chinese miners are competing because they MAKE the asics.
every $1600 asic sold to mcafee, bitmain can make ~$400 asics..
meaning they can hand one to mcafee and keep 3 for themselves.
meaning they can hand one to mcafee and keep 2 for themselves leaving $400 spare to pay electric
meaning they can hand one to mcafee and keep 1 for themselves leaving $800 spare to pay electric
electricity costs
at 10c/kwh= 13cents an hour, = $3.12 a day, = $1,138.80 a year
at 5c/kwh= 6.5cents an hour, = $1.56 a day, = $569.40 a year
meaning even if mcafee can get 5c electric. unless they make the rigs themselves, mcafee's upfront costs are $2169.40 ($1600 asic + $569.40 electric)
bitmain however
receives $1600, makes 2 rigs gives one to customer, keeps one. and still has $800+ to pay off in full their year of electric as well as spare for wages
meaning they start off with NO costs. and every block they solve is 100% profit