Added status bar with alive tick to indicate program is running
Minor bug fixes
Fixed an issue that not all transaction were logged
Database lock issue solved
Firefox bug solved
Minor changes
MySql no longer needed.
Hi Traders,
Although many of us like mcxNOW very much and some even say it is the best exchange around one feature is really missing. There is no way to export the transaction log.
Because of this I programmed one myself and the last couple of days I have worked on it to create a version that is more or less stable enough to share with the public, although I still call it an alpha version.
The version runs stable at my place, but since I have only limited possibility to test in many different environments it might not run in your environment, please let me know when you encounter problems and I will see if I can solve them.
Source files:https://github.com/CoenKuij/mcxTransactionLogExcecutable (x86):http://sourceforge.net/projects/mcxtransactionlog/files/mcxTransactionLog_1.5.zip/downloadmcxNOW Transaction Log======================
This Windows program enables you to read the transaction log page from the
mcxNOW crypto exchange and store it in a MySQL or SQLite database.
It also provides you with a feature to export the contents of the transaction database to a CSV file for use with e.g. Microsoft Excel.
Donations are kindly excepted as a token of gratitude and necessary if you would like to see work on this project continue.
* BTC - 1HunuNHKpZiyioBWgLtjEDbLbMMhA1sQd2
* LTC - LfuDrcZ8vgqezeYYyhy3oowvm9ozvRAw1a
* MNC - MBVDVH2eRjYad4nrrLR4AHmB1wLz1TGE63
* XPM - AZWBpH7VCanYfvH9AT9Lcrc5BBStUBrcn8
* PPC - PDJeBjixqVUjTtndXjA6Lgkzv6K3mLiBhV
* FTC - 6qBW7BGEGXeQ69ekNGHtJcmVCNFokA5hbB
* CL - CQitPwQwMSAodrauRA3pcZdVDuVUsHCjsy
* SC - sZx7ZMVTH2VsW55TkYnfpq9fAfuLZuoi1J
The use of MySQL is no longer necessary and has become an option. Check the "Use MySQL" checkbox if you want to use MySQL. Leave it unchecked if not.
On start-up of the program, a window will open which gives you the following options:
- Login Method
- Database
- Browser selection / Username and password fields
Login method------------
Here you can select whether you want to log in on mcxNOW using the browser stored cookies, or by using your username and password.
Using the cookies is only possible when you have used the selected browser to successfully log in on mcxNOW before.
When you select "Username + password" the radio buttons for browser selection are changed for input field for the username and password you use to login in mcxNOW.
Remark: Make sure to change the settings on mcxNOW to never log out, otherwise the program will stop working when you are logged out by mcxNOW!!!!Database--------
In this section you can enter the data for the MySQL database, if the "Use MySQL checkbox has been checked". You will then get the possibility to enter the MySQL data,
The host field expects the IP address for the MySQL database. If you run MySQL locally the default localhost can be used.
Username and password should be set to the appropriate values.
When MySQL is not used, entry of this data is disabled.
Browser selection-----------------
Select the browser you have used to successfully used to login in mcxNOW.
OR depending on login method chosesUsername and password---------------------
select the username and password you use for mcxNOW.
Export CSV----------
Clicking this button will pop up a file dialog where you can enter a filename for the export. The contents of the database wil then be
written to this file in CSV format.If the database is empty the file will abviously be empty as well.
If the file exists the content will be overwritten.Start Bot---------
Clicking this button will start retrieving the transaction information from mcxNOW and store it in MySQL. It will keep logging as long as
the program runs and cannot be stopped otherwise than closing the program.
It is possible to use the export functionality while the bot is retrieving transaction data.
Questions and requests----------------------
If you have a question, feature request or bug report, please send me a PM.
mcxTransactionLog uses an adapted and extended version of the mcxNOW API SDK written by Michal Gebauer.
Thanks to KaTXi who reported and solved the FireFox bug
Thanks to RealSolid for letting me use the mcxNOW logo