It was mentioned, that you are going to "lower the cost & barrier in conducting algorithmic medical examination models" - how are you planning to do it and how long do you think it will take you to achieve it ?
Thank you, but I can read the first post by myself and there was no need to quote it as an answer to my question. Because there is no answer to what I've asked
I've got another question. Projects hardcap is 8 millions US dollars - dont you think this is to little for something in connection with medicine? Medical companies spent billions of dollars to test and produce just a little pill, but you need just 8kk dollars for your global project...
For the IEO phase one, we have kept a very realistic target of 8 million USD. After extensive research by our financial experts , we came to a very achievable goal for phase-1 IEO and accordingly planned the use of proceeds. We nonetheless agree with you that pharmaceutical companies spend billions on medicinal research, but our goal is uberization of the healthcare industry with the fusion of Telemedicine, AI, Blockchain & Big data technologies.
We have the next phases of fundraising and a strong revenue model to sustain and to reach rest of the world.
The second point is that MediLiVes brings together the existing technologies and medical protocols into a unifying platform, it’s a non- blood , non-fluid and a non-invasive monitoring app that supports the work of medical professionals and helps patients to locate medical professionals 7/24/365 globally , it’s not replacing the work of the medical profession but enhancing and facilitating the process of carrying out their medical responsibilities /duties effectively and more timely, thus, it is an enabler, a good tool for effective workmanship.
I hope that helps, should there be further areas where clarity is needed, please do not hesitate to contact us.