Wonderful, current total mempool transactions are 1516 with an average transaction fee only $0.33, even with fee 14 sat/byte will be confirmed wthin an hour and 3 sat/byte within 6 hours. Seems like the calm after the storm, since last week it was insane.
Strange to see many transactions still push it to a higher fees, I check auto fee on electrum is 62 sat/byte, so probably some people are spamming the networks.
Inaccurate information. What you gave is inaccurate in the past 8 hours. The screenshot is for visual mempool size last 8 hours. At its highest, the total size is less than 12 MB. One block will take 1 MB from the tip of mempool size. Get visual plot last 8 hours there:
https://jochen-hoenicke.de/queue/#1,8hIf you want to narrow the window you can
choose 2 -hr, and you will see the temporary size of mempool is 1.6 MB. With fee rate at 1 satoshi / (v)byte, your transaction can get first confirmation next 2 - 3 blocks (half of an hour).
Sites such as buybitcoinworldwide.com, bitcoinfees.net and bitcoinfees.earn.com are still advising users to pay more than 300 Satoshi per Byte for their transactions. Unfortunately, a lot of the users use these websites to decide on the amount of fee they should pay.
Sometimes they don't have available options to control fees especially if they move bitcoin from exchanges, casinos, and marketplaces.
Just a few hours back, my transaction got confirmed, after I paid just 4 Satoshi per Byte as the transaction fee.
Your transaction would be confirmed even if fee used is at 1 satoshi / (v)byte. Hovering mouse on the chart for mempool size, you will see total size of mempool at the times it dived to bottom (less than < 1 MB). If mempool size is less than 1 MB, it means all temp unconfirmed transactions will be confirmed next 1 block.