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Mercury Global is an open international online community of people, based on mutual trust and advanced blockchain technologies, provides to each participant the opportunity to create a basic cash flow, to reach the level of prosperity and to sustain it. Community has about 1 000 000 participants around the world and succesfully operates for 5 years:
● Return is up to 1.15% daily during every 300 days
● cryptocurrencies Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), Litecoin (LTC).
● traditional fiat currencies USD, EUR
● automatic instant withdrawals every week
● reinvestments available
● xchange USD, EUR, BTC, ETH and LTC at the best rate without fees
● trust of 1 000 000 participants around the world
● succesfully operates for 5 years
● cloud mining of cryptocurrencies
● their own PoW-based full-fledged cryptocurrency called eCurrency (ECR)
● new cars with 45% discount
● real estate (home, appartments) with 45% discount (soon)
● global cryptocurrency bank (soon)
JOIN MERCURY GLOBAL now >>> CLICK HERE >>> https://mercury.glhttps://mercuryglobalmoney.files.wordpress.com/2018/06/splash_1i.jpgHOW DOES WORK THE PROJECTMercury Global is an absolutely transparent P2P system of funds distribution, fully managed by the participants themselves! Work of Mercury Global social network based on mutual trust, advanced blockchain technologies and cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH) and Litecoin (LTC). Every day Artificial Intelligence automatically redistributes funds among all participants, using unique algorithm:
Return is
up to 1.15% daily during every 300 days.
Every Tuesday all participants withdraw funds to their accounts and reinvest.https://mercuryglobalmoney.files.wordpress.com/2018/06/pabwzy-nwjy.jpgMercury Global community
Unlike of other lending programs you can lend not only in USD, but also in EUR, BTC, ETH and LTC. You will receive up to 1.15% daily return during every 300 days in each of these currencies. Note: for sustainable work of the community it is recommended to do periodic re-investment. Reinvestment
increases your income exponentially (
compound calculator) Lending of eCurrency (ECR) also will be soon.
TERMS AND CONDITIONSDaily return for the participant determines by the amount transferred them to the lending program of Mercury Global community and by the number of activity days. For each currency these parameters are following:
Daily Return / Currency | | 0.7% | | 0.8% | | 0.9% | | 1% | | 1.05% | | 1.1% | | 1.15% |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
USD, EUR | | from 500 to 1000 | | from 1000 to 2500 | | from 2500 to 5000 | | from 5000 to 10000 | | from 10000 to 25000 | | from 25000 to 50000 | | from 50000 |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
BTC | | from 0.1 to 0.25 | | from 0.25 to 0.5 | | from 0.5 to 1 | | from 1 to 2.5 | | from 2.5 to 5 | | from 5 to 10 | | from 10 |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
ETH | | from 1 to 2.5 | | from 2.5 to 5 | | from 5 to 10 | | from 10 to 25 | | from 25 to 50 | | from 50 to 100 | | from 100 |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
LTC | | from 1 to 5 | | from 5 to 10 | | from 10 to 25 | | from 25 to 50 | | from 50 to 100 | | from 100 to 200 | | from 200 |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Number of Accruals | | 300 | | 300 | | 300 | | 300 | | 300 | | 300 | | 300 |
JOIN MERCURY GLOBAL now >>> CLICK HERE >>> https://mercury.glWHAT IS MONEY STORAGEMoney Storage is an internal wallet and payment processor of Mercury Global, the best online multicurrency wallet.
Using Money Storage:
● fund your wallet by USD and EUR via Perfect Money or Advanced Cash
● fund your wallet by cryptocurrencies Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin without fees
● lend money into Mercury Global community and get back up to 1.15% daily during every 300 days
● instantly safely transfer money to any Mercury Global member in any country
● instantly receive money from any member of Mercury Global from any country
● secure deals with other users
● instantly exchange USD, EUR, Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin at the best rate with low fee
● safely store money at a profit of 0.02% daily
● withdraw money to the debit card, Perfect Money, Advanced Cash, Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin
● buy a new car with 45% discount
● buy real estate (home, appartments) with 45% discount
(soon)● fund your wallet by eCurrency
(soon)● exchange between eCurrency and USD, EUR, BTC, ETH, LTC
(soon)● fund your wallet by the debit card
(soon)● withdraw money to PayPal,
Skrill, Payoneer
(soon)● payments for hotels, restaurants, goods and services
(soon)How to add funds to Money Storage wallet without fees- login to Money Storage wallet
- add USD and EUR via Perfect Money or Advanced Cash without fees.
- or send cryptocurrency BTC, ETH or LTC to internal Money Storage wallet
How to transfer funds into Mercury Global management1. Click on the currency tab — Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin or Perfect Money
2. Click the red button «Transfer funds into management»
https://mercuryglobalmoney.files.wordpress.com/2018/06/invest13.jpg3. Follow the instructions
https://mercuryglobalmoney.files.wordpress.com/2018/06/invest2-1.jpgHow to xchange between USD, EUR, BTC, ETH and LTC at the best rate- login to Money Storage wallet
- choose USD, EUR, Bitcoin, Ethereum or Litecoin
- exchange at the best rate with low fees
How to withdraw funds- login to Money Storage wallet
- exchange between USD, EUR, BTC, ETH and LTC at the best rate with low fees
- withdraw USD, EUR to Perfect Money, Advanced Cash or to debit card
- send Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), Litecoin (LTC) to your any cryptocurrency wallet
How to withdraw cryptocurrencies to your debit card- register on ePayments and verify account
- register on DSX cryptocurrency xchange and verify account via ePayments
- send cryptocurrency to DSX and xchange it to fiat currency USD, EUR
- send fiat currency to ePayments account and to debit card
Trick. How to always trade with profit by Bitcoin, Ethereum and Litecoin using Money Storage [***]1. first join Mercury Global here
https://mercury.gl2. open
Trading View free chart
3. login to Money Storage wallet. Updating of rates in the wallet occurs with a delay of 30 minutes from real time
4. watch realtime charts in Trading View and trade in Money Storage with a margin of 30 minutes.
You have as much as 30 minutes to decide - to buy, to sell or hodl
Good luck!
JOIN MERCURY GLOBAL now >>> click here >>> https://mercury.glCRYPTO CURRENCYTaking into account the current world trend for the creation and implementation of cryptocurrencies, in particular the positive experience of Bitcoin and Ethereum, Mercury Global Community turned the internal currency into full-fledged cryptocurrency, called
eCurrency (ECR), thereby opening access to it (and therefore to all resources and projects of the Community) of all market participants are cryptocurrency on a global scale.
In addition, created cryptocurrency ECR will be used to earn money on the exchanges, investments into Mercury Global with return of 1% daily during every 300 days, purchasing goods and services, etc. It will form the basis for the creation of the first worldwide blockchain based decentralized cryptocurrency Mercury Global Bank.
WHAT IS ECURRENCY [ECR]eCurrency [ECR] is the cryptocurrency of Mercury Global community. First full-fledged PoW-based cryptocurrency in the world, provided by the real economics of Mercury Global community, which exists since 2012 and has more than 1 000 000 participants worldwide.
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JOIN MERCURY GLOBAL now >>> click here >>> https://mercury.glExpect the very best!----------------------------------------------------------------------★★★
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