Nice job with this data visualization.
Something should definitely be done. I suggest 0.1x all sMerits ever exchanged in the WO thread, rounded down to the nearest unit. Then, appropriate sMerits should then go to merit sources, to provide more appropriately. (whether this applies to user profile Merit count is another topic).
WO is a thread for price discussion and fun. It's not meant to disrupt merit distribution. A one-time fix should be enough to recirculate merits to more appropriate places. If they recirculate there, then so be it and let it be.
This opinion has changed since my post in nutildah's thread. There I basically said anyone can merit whoever they want/as they see fit. Though after seeing the numbers, I see the problem a lot more clearly.
Watching on.
btw op, the link to nutildah's thread in the OP is broken. It leads to this url currently:
should lead to