So can you tell us a little bit of the story of how you came about purchasing BoglaGold? What was the reason you decided to step down from your company and sell it to someone else? What have you been up to since you stopped selling Runescape Gold?
Boglagold bough our business after having law problems with Runescape.
Errrnt. Sorry, that's incorrect. YOUR company, Arcus Gold, purchased BoglaGold in 2017 -- not the other way around. This is well-known and easily verifiable information, and certainly something that Arcus Gold founder Matthew Gillingham, who you claim to be, would know. is ArcusGold & BoglaGold ?
As you know BoglaGold & ArcusGold were OSRS gold selling websites. The two sites were managed by two different owners but in 2017 Arcus bought Bogla so both sites became the property of Arcus.
It’s speculated that Arcus paid somewhere between two and five million dollars for the BoglaGold website. And so these two sites are becoming a very lucrative business that is growing in popularity and has been used by many OSRS players.
You lose, thanks for playing.
Have you ever come across an extremely aggressive homeless person? Like, you offer to give them a quarter than then they demand a dollar, while insulting you in the process? That's what Rambotnic is.
You kids will never learn...
There is no ArcusGold since 4 years, and we never bought BolgaGold. BoglaGold bought our business because we were threaten by Runescape lawyers.
Nice fake information, but seems like you are trying to tell people you know better for my ex-company than me.
Or you are telling me that anyone than me knows what happened to my company?
I do not care about any 3rd party websites trying to explain our case, that is far far away from the truth.
Anyway, there is few high trusted sythe members here which can verify my identity, i already had business with them many times.
But you Nutildah, and your sock-puppet are just another scammers with fake "trust" (based on what i read everywhere on this website).
Soon or later people like you will get what you deserve, and people like me which starts from the scratch one again will be on top as usual.
Your feedback means nothing, because you are no one actually.
Both of us know that your "information" is google based, and if google was accurate, people would never do business with us because of the impersonators.
I see what is going on on this website, you are "playing" with your powers, but soon you will realize nothing can stop me from doing business if i want to
This forum without official rules, fake trust and false "powers" means only one thing - corruption.
And believe me, i have enough money to buy accounts with trusts, but i wanted to do it as usual - from the scratch.
I am not interested to verify myself to no one (you) but i will verify myself to my previous partners.
Soon you will be just another customer of us, because from now on, Lili and Nina will be operating the business on this website with bought accounts.
Do you actually think this forum is "your" place? Let me show you how the money makes this place my place.
My company will run the most exchanges and services on this website, and no one would even talk to me anymore, because i will let it be like before - automated with chinese workers.
So see you soon, and remember i will be around, and there is nothing you can do about it.