i have some new link there are some site to look forward
and a start for any idea for Metal thanks Xpooky i will contact you
on skype.
this link is for you at least can be if you are interested to make a startup with your cryptospot game :
http://www.coindesk.com/digital-currency-council-joins-500-startups-accelerator/?utm_source=Yacuna+Newsletter&utm_campaign=5e3d174f7e-Newsletter_18_04_20154_18_2015&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_4f8cfdc0ac-5e3d174f7e-266594089This are link to look forward to use with Metal coin that will make the jump with a volume
not only on bittrex but even on all the other exchanges.
here :
this is promising :
https://lawnmower.io/https://brawker.com/https://gli.phespecially useful is this site , i'm contacting any site i can look:
http://www.watchmybit.com/contacted emily from shapeshift.io but no answers for now, possibly they need an api
but this is a long shot
cryptsy is good but if they don't see a crowd yelling to add a coin they don't hear
they aren't considering coin like monero or start coin so no worries
same for poloniex , busoni the dev , isn't someone easily impressed
need at least 100 tweet and some week to take slightly
his attention .
Bluetrade is the next exchange i will contact.
and some site that accept BTC to be contacted :
http://www.betkurus.com/#/?lang=engBecause nor supernet or any other group like blocknet hasn't even started their massive revolution,
it will happen but not before june or after ,
there is less and less markets of good coin moving up