so can i ask if you have any HYIP that gives you gd returns or profit so far?? is it a long term investment for you or a short duration investment??
Right now man I'm still looking for a good one, currently lurking on some forums and even here, on the investors based games sections(there's sometimes a decent one there). And also do not ever, ever consider investing on HYIPs as a long term investment cuz you'll just end up broke, I only do a short term one.
So for I never see any of these sites survived for couple of years and now a days even these sites are closing with in few days so it simply wasting money if you invest in these sites.
Sorry that doesn't work on me
I did waste some money on HYIPs way back when I was a newbie but eventually recovered it and even made a good profit with HYIPs over time.
ive noticed that 99%of hyips are ponzis but people still make money from them cuz they invest and get out before the ponzi closes down although this is still risky people tend to make a bit of money this way
I'm glad you know it