People mortgaging a house , (that was already paid for)
Using Credit Card Debt to Buy as much Crypto as Possible,
This is something that is generally discouraged, people are advised to only invest amounts they can afford to lose, and should never invest money they do not own.
All thinking it was going to make them Ultra Rich, and the exact opposite has occurred,
Prices are Crashing with little incentive for anyone to buy them , as everyone knows the price is going lower.
Well, Bitcoin has been responsible for making people ultra rich, for everyone buying at the top, there's another who bought lower and is selling for a profit. A lot of people's let have benefited from bitcoin, but just like trading in any sector, everyone can not win, everytime
Well most of the Economists are saying a Trillion USD evaporated in the collapse of the crypto paraobolic-rise, IMHO the chinese who mined the majority, sold all along and pushed 'hodl' narrative, it would be interesting if the majority truly evaporated and or changed hands, I suspect that a lot did evaporate, as so much of the crypto wealth was funny numbers ran by exchanges, where they were buying/selling 'fiat crypto', meaning they where selling shares of bitcoin that they didn't actually own
I don't think any HODL-rs got rich, I think they got fucked, but certainly the CHINESE BITMAIN and friends made 100's of billions of US dollars, and used it to buy western real estate.