gotspots, you sure like talking about children a lot.
Not exactly a normal attribuite of a normal healthy adult. I bet you watch too much porn and over the last few years you've wonderered a bit too far to the under 11-teen side. Now you can't stop talking about children.
Like I said, my kids live a life your kids can't even dream of. Both parent at home, speak 2 languages fluenetly at 3 years old, never ever spent 1 day in daycare, $1200 per month food bill. I bet you have a hard time coming up with $1200 per month for rent.
you bring CPS over here but you really should delete the child porn off your laptop first. I've seen your kind before, can't stop talking about dhildren cause that's all on your mind.
now go be jealous somewhere else hater, cause you're obvisouly the worst kind of haters, the kind that hates adults but loves 11-teen year olds, right, gotspots? Don't forget the rubbers this time, those spots turn cancerous from what I've read. you poor bastard you. Middle aged, abandoned by your wife and kids and stuck watching kiddie porn. I do feel bad for you but jail is probably the best place for guys like you before you hurt anymore children, you know the ones you can't stop talking and thinking about. Yeah, guys like you are always given away by your mouth cause the images in your head have to come out eventually. kids, kids, kids, kids....fight it man, fight it or just go try a real woman if you can stop being a hater for once. ha!
Alright, I'm bored with you. Get help. seriously cause you bring up children for no reason at all...and that's scary.