
Topic: Ⓜ️ minerstat - mining monitor and management (mining OS, Windows, ASIC) - page 22. (Read 167227 times)

Activity: 640
Merit: 56
Workers list
Added new filter: Idle GPUs
It will list rigs with at least one idle GPU - idle GPU is a GPU that is not hashing, so showing as 0H/s.
sr. member
Activity: 1596
Merit: 305
minerstat CEO
msOS v1.7.2 Beta

We are releasing msOS 1.7.2 for RX 6000 Series and VEGA GPUs. This package is using the same approach as 1.7.1 and it's based on amdgpu 20.50 driver with 20.40 openCL and v4.0 rocm. We are still recommending this for experimental purposes because of possible bugs with miner compatibility/drivers (amdgpu 20.40-1147287,

sr. member
Activity: 1596
Merit: 305
minerstat CEO
msOS Miner Update
 trex v0.19.14
 nsfminer v1.3.12

Windows Miner Update
 trex v0.19.14
 nsfminer v1.3.12

trex: Resolved issue with memory tweaks not affecting some 1060 cards. Minor performance improvements for 16 series GPUs for Octopus algorithm.
sr. member
Activity: 1596
Merit: 305
minerstat CEO
ASIC Hub (Non-SSH) v2.5
- Shorter timeouts with multiple attempts to fetch data from ASICs.
- Limited read-only support for some Goldshell machines.

- Increased "Online" period for ASICs to avoid marking them offline in case machine API returns a temporary error.

msOS Miner Update
 nsfminer v1.3.11

Windows Miner Update
 nsfminer v1.3.11

nsfminer: Add --cl-split option to force split DAG mode for AMD GPUs.
sr. member
Activity: 1596
Merit: 305
minerstat CEO
msOS Miner Update
 gminer v2.49

Windows Miner Update
 gminer v2.49

gminer: Improved DAG generation, now miner generates valid DAG. Fixed problem with possibly broken DAG on epoch change.
sr. member
Activity: 1596
Merit: 305
minerstat CEO
msOS Miner Update
 nsfminer v1.3.10
 nbminer v37.1

Windows Miner Update
 nsfminer v1.3.10
 nbminer v37.1

nsfminer: Avoid splitting DAG unnecessarily. Minor bug fixes.
nbminer: Improved Ergo pool compatibility and fixed high reject ratio on 10 series Nvidia GPUs.
Activity: 640
Merit: 56
You can now read every why and how and what about pools that are being listed on minerstat's mining calculator pages 💡
Activity: 640
Merit: 56
IP Authorization email
Customers that don't want another layer of security on their account can now disable IP Authorization emails from settings on
Activity: 640
Merit: 56
Latest activity log
System is now saving logs for last 100 entries no matter the date.

Mining calculator
Data is now being saved every 5 minutes instead of every 10 minutes.
sr. member
Activity: 1596
Merit: 305
minerstat CEO
msOS Miner Update
 teamredminer v0.8.1.1

Windows Miner Update
 teamredminer v0.8.1.1
 gminer v2.48

teamredminer: Device id added for 6700XT. Only supported in Windows and msOS v1.7.1
gminer: Minimized memory leaks cause by Nvidia NVML library under Windows. Fixed memory tweaks support for Mining Edition GPUs under Windows.
sr. member
Activity: 1596
Merit: 305
minerstat CEO
Mobile push notification discontinuation notice
Mobile push notifications will get discontinued from 26. 3. 2021 until the next release of mobile app.
Please use Telegram and Email notifications until further notice as we'll be moving to new push provider for the upcoming v4.0 version mobile Application.

minerstat for Windows (v6.1.2)
Changes since v6.1.1 version:
- Resolved a rare issue when extended nvidia-smi queries failed.
- Error logging to C:/minerstat-windows/cli/logs folder if Exception happens
Currently, auto-updates are disabled for minor version updates. You can update the application manually by running "auto-updater.exe" from the minerstat installation folder. (Default location: C:/minerstat-windows).

msOS Miner Update
 nsfminer v1.3.9
 srbminer-multi v0.7.1

Windows Miner Update
 nsfminer v1.3.9
 srbminer-multi v0.7.1

nsfminer: Fix unknown console log entry in Windows.
srbminer-multi: Small improvements on 'autolykos2' algorithm Fixed crash on 'panthera' algorithm on non-ryzens Minor bug fixes.

msOS Update
- Updated PCI ID Database.
- AMD RX6000 series will no longer display as SIENNA_CICHLID.
- kernel-update command now points to v5.4.106 release.
sr. member
Activity: 1596
Merit: 305
minerstat CEO
msOS v1.7.1 Preview

We are releasing msOS 1.7.1 a second preview version for RX 6000 Series GPUs. This package is using different approach than 1.7.0 and it's based on amdgpu 20.50 driver with 20.40 openCL and v4.0 rocm. The package is working with most of available miners, we are still recommending this for experimental purposes because of possible bugs with miner compatibility/drivers (amdgpu 20.40-1147287,

sr. member
Activity: 1596
Merit: 305
minerstat CEO
msOS v1.7 Preview

We're releasing msOS 1.7 preview version with Big Navi support (AMD RX6000 Series). Currently it works with lolminer and teamredminer.
Mining clients devs will need to add support for 3224 OpenCL version for maximum compatibility. (amdgpu 20.50,


msOS Miner Update
 nbminer v37.0

Windows Miner Update
 nbminer v37.0

nbminer: New algo for mining ERGO coin on Nvidia GPUs. Other fixes and stability improvements, including Octopus fix.
sr. member
Activity: 1596
Merit: 305
minerstat CEO
msOS Update
- Increased DHCP timeout
- Clearing npm cache upon netrecovery
- Added support for new 460.67 NVIDIA drivers. Manual install: nvidia-update --install 460.67

Package update
msOS v1.4 package got updated with the latest Nvidia 460.67 driver. If your rig is working fine then there is no reason to reflash. However, you can update the driver manually with nvidia-update command.

msOS Miner Update
 nanominer v3.3.2

Windows Miner Update
 nanominer v3.3.2

nanominer: Autolykos performance improvements about 40% for AMD Vega family
Activity: 640
Merit: 56
Added "Due to" column on the tasks list and calendar view of due to dates when adding or editing a task.
Activity: 640
Merit: 56

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sr. member
Activity: 1596
Merit: 305
minerstat CEO
msOS Miner Update
 trex v0.19.12
 xmrig v6.10.0

Windows Miner Update
 trex v0.19.12
 xmrig v6.10.0

trex: Support for ethproxy (stratum+http://)
xmrig: Stability improvements and bug fixes
Activity: 640
Merit: 56
Worker's profile
We have added "Tasks" button to the action menu on the worker's profile. You can now check worker's tasks, create new task, open task, comment task, complete task, and discard task directly from worker's profile.

Fans should now apply without client restart when you edit the value from Worker's profile.

Alerts & Triggers
Triggers will now apply instantly and will only stack in rare cases.
Alerts and triggers will no longer kick in when performing various logical tasks on the rig - such as benchmarking, bios flashing, switching config, ...
sr. member
Activity: 1596
Merit: 305
minerstat CEO
msOS Miner Update
 nanominer v3.3.1
 srbminer-multi v0.7.0

Windows Miner Update
 nanominer v3.3.1
 srbminer-multi v0.7.0

srbminer-multi: Reduced power consumption on autolykos2 and verthash. Performance increase on verthash. Fixed watchdog not triggering on dead GPU issue. Minor bug fixes.
nanominer: Reduced dev fee on Ergo: 5% -> 2.5%. Removed Pascal Coin.
sr. member
Activity: 1596
Merit: 305
minerstat CEO
msOS Miner Update
 gminer v2.47

Windows Miner Update
 gminer v2.47

gminer: Improved memory tweaks under Windows and compatibility with anti-viruses. Other enhancements and increased stability.
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