MNX team received a Legal Opinion for the Minexcoin in the run-up to the listing on popular exchanges. Expert verdict: MNX is not a security!
As we mentioned several weeks ago, our team is working on the applying for a greater number of world crypto-exchanges.
Could it now be listed on different exchange now that you can tell those exchanges there is no SEC issues with MNXcoin?
Can you tell us which exchanges if there is/are had ever asked you about the SEC regulations that resulted not to list you? Its interesting that after all the price spikes, its not listed to other exchanges.
no serious exchange is going to list a pyramide scheme coin. look at bitconnect. livecoin or building its own exchange should be enough...
bitconnect is just having this problem that its raising too fast in price, so therefor i can see that the team of this ponzi scheme learned from them. even they are saying at the end they want a markecap of 1000 Billion
Please correct the mistake.
a coin giving out 5% interest rate a week is a classic ponzi scheme coin. Even i think it was developed/started by the same team as bitconnect.