Just because it works for stock investment does not means, it will work for cryptocurrency trading.
Every thing about crypto is just unpredictable. And its funny to say that the time or period we think that the there won't be price increase, it might suddenly skyrock. If best, stop listening to price prediction, and follow your instinct. Many of those predictor have ended up misleading. Make research of coins, and stick to three of them.
It isnt bad for you to get up some reference on other traders or analyst but be sure that your own analysis would be followed in the end of the day so that you wont end up regretting if price do go on opposite way.
Its true that traditional markets like forex and stocks is totally different from cryptocurrencies but the overall concept is just the same, they do only differ on volatility and security matters.
Minimizing risk is always the main priority it will just depend or vary on individuals technique and some sort or mix of intuition or instincts.