When someone just says "Download this and do x with it", that might make sense to you guys, but 90% of people are going to need to be shown. In some kind of video, or something.
nope fuck that shit.. this whole newer generation of kids that need a Youtube video for everything imaginable irritate the fuck out of me big time !
I HATE Youtube faggotry !
a basic web page with a bit of text and a picture or two will suffice.. no need for Trillions of stupid little videos.
i really can't stand this newer generation of idiotic younger douche that popped up and changed the net on me !
this newer generation that Fap's over Twitter and Reddit and Facebook etc.. stupid useless gay garbage !
anyone that speaks in Youtube links on forums or on Chat boxes need a cuff up side the head.
If i ask a guy a question i don't want a URL to Youtube as the answer.. type it out lazy little shits LOL
Little fucktard Kiddiots ruined the entire internet !
The first thing they did is started running around trying to parent everything with Politically Correct shit and this no swearing policy
I think they got home from school and pushed their rules from their teachers on us all after school chirping off on Mom's laptop..
Then they started with some cockiness.. the Kiddiot specialty.. the smug loud overly confident chatter that never goes quiet.
Kids know nothing at all but they never shut up !
And i noticed they love to stomp onto the net and spout of even worse than they do in IRL
IRL ? ..well
They also invented a crap load of stupid terms and spammed them all over such as back in like 2008 i wanted to punch out
every little shit that said "EPIC" every 2 minutes !
There was a time when the internet was cool.. it's loooooooooooooooooooong gone now.
Now everything is designed to pander to morons who are professional facebookers and we have 19 yr old little shits thinking their smart fresh out of school (faggy degrees)
well guess what kids.. i was online before your fucking born brats LOL
There was a time when everything was designed and targeted towards Computer Nerds like Overclockers.. not anymore.
Now the target demo is Facebook or Reddit douche bags..
and it just keeps getting worse and worse.. the cool kid cell phone crowd has creeped into the OS now.. Windows ? Ubuntu ? ......gay !!!!!!!!!
I don't need "APPS" thanks and when Angry Birds or Flappy Bird is worth BILLIONS we got something wrong
Windows Market ? uhhh not happening thanks
I just seen this and who am i talking about ? The little pricks commenting on this web page..
http://www.neowin.net/news/windows-10s-new-icons-show-a-flat-future-aheadWanna see some butt ugly ass icons and stupid little shit trend hopping ?
Thanks for fucking up my internet.
Thanks for fucking up Windows and Linux and now every UI such as Samsung's, Apple's etc
Thanks for the ADD kid flashing colors and Fischer Price dumbed down shit for granny and dumb brats.
Thanks for starting the butt ugly 80's style flat icon faggotry.
Thanks for making Facebook worth more than the GDP of most countries on earth.
Thanks for running around the web saying Ad's integrated into cell phones and the operating systems and software such as Utorrent is acceptable.
Thanks for for Intel releasing Haswell with Integrated GPU's and integrated voltage regulators on chip. (for Mobile)
YOU NEED "Angry Bird" so Desktop Overclockers now get a fat cock in the ass ! ......pandering.
Intel now says hey fuck em.. our target demo now is cell phone brats and chicks..
In case people don't know the previous generation could overclock way higher and on Haswell they butchered the architecture
go read the Z87 chipset write up for mobo's
my board has a booklets that brag about the overclock ability of integrated displays LOL
and massive warnings about overclocking sucks...... why ? Moooooooooobile........ app'z .............tweenlets and Youtube flat icon windows 8 douchebaggory !
thanks for being lame guys i really appreciate it..