
Topic: Mining coins save or sell it? - page 57. (Read 106756 times)

hero member
Activity: 546
Merit: 500
July 04, 2016, 05:38:04 AM
Right now i trying to mining a lot of coins, i thinking its mabey its good to save the coins like 6-12 mdr before selling it.

Can orther explain about its a good point else about the risk its to high to lose to lot on it?
At the moment it does not make much sense any more to mine coins because it is not going to earn you any profit anymore. The best option right now is to just buy them with your own money and save them for a while.
When you have saved them for a while then you just sell them for more money to make a profit.

Mining is not to earn money for many people who are in the place where the electricity price is higher.
sr. member
Activity: 462
Merit: 250
July 04, 2016, 02:31:06 AM
Right now i trying to mining a lot of coins, i thinking its mabey its good to save the coins like 6-12 mdr before selling it.

Can orther explain about its a good point else about the risk its to high to lose to lot on it?
At the moment it does not make much sense any more to mine coins because it is not going to earn you any profit anymore. The best option right now is to just buy them with your own money and save them for a while.
When you have saved them for a while then you just sell them for more money to make a profit.
Activity: 3248
Merit: 1160 - Crypto Casino and Sportsbook
July 04, 2016, 02:20:17 AM
If you are jobless outside here in the bitcoin community then you surely have to sell your mined coins that you saved let's say just for the whole month then pay it for electricity bill. For sure, you should save your mined coins at first, collect them and when the right time come that you can able to earn money from it then sell it.
It should be individual's decision whether he will sell or save it but one trend is happening here in the crypto world, those who hold their coins in the long term are tend to become more successful than those short term holders.
But for me its good to save it for your future because the price of bitcoin will continue increasing that bring to us more profit. And also start collection in some aspect that will increase your bitcoin in your wallet
If you do not invest you will not feel the increase of the price, if you are working only and you are receiving bitcoins your employer will surely adjust the rate base on the price changes.
Activity: 70
Merit: 10
July 04, 2016, 01:17:12 AM
If you are jobless outside here in the bitcoin community then you surely have to sell your mined coins that you saved let's say just for the whole month then pay it for electricity bill. For sure, you should save your mined coins at first, collect them and when the right time come that you can able to earn money from it then sell it.
It should be individual's decision whether he will sell or save it but one trend is happening here in the crypto world, those who hold their coins in the long term are tend to become more successful than those short term holders.
But for me its good to save it for your future because the price of bitcoin will continue increasing that bring to us more profit. And also start collection in some aspect that will increase your bitcoin in your wallet
Activity: 1092
Merit: 1000
July 03, 2016, 10:08:16 PM
If you are jobless outside here in the bitcoin community then you surely have to sell your mined coins that you saved let's say just for the whole month then pay it for electricity bill. For sure, you should save your mined coins at first, collect them and when the right time come that you can able to earn money from it then sell it.
It should be individual's decision whether he will sell or save it but one trend is happening here in the crypto world, those who hold their coins in the long term are tend to become more successful than those short term holders.
sr. member
Activity: 336
Merit: 250
July 03, 2016, 09:58:23 PM
Right now i trying to mining a lot of coins, i thinking its mabey its good to save the coins like 6-12 mdr before selling it.

Can orther explain about its a good point else about the risk its to high to lose to lot on it?

Mining a lot of bitcoins at this moment is a very good idea as long as you are making profit from your mining and not eating a negative profit due to high maintenance and high power consumption. If you successfully mine a lot of bitcoins at this age you will be merrier tomorrow. I believe you will be more richer than what you are right now, patience is a virtue but in the future patience is wealth.
hero member
Activity: 490
Merit: 520
July 03, 2016, 09:49:23 PM
The argument of saving vs selling when it comes to mining really comes down to whether or not you're able to cover your costs first. Personally, as long as you have enough Bitcoin being mined routinely to cover your electricity costs and enough set aside to pay off the mining hardware over a decent time frame, I would say save the remainder and sell only if the market starts to dip.
hero member
Activity: 560
Merit: 500
July 03, 2016, 09:42:51 PM
Right now i trying to mining a lot of coins, i thinking its mabey its good to save the coins like 6-12 mdr before selling it.

Can orther explain about its a good point else about the risk its to high to lose to lot on it?

Just keep on mining and wait for the moment when the increase of price is at peak. Theres is no stopping bitcoins from increasing its value. This is the time to hoard and stock bitcoins. Few year later you will benefit when you have a large sum of bitcoin at your wallet and the price is high. You will be thankful that you hoard your bitcoins and be rich in the future.
hero member
Activity: 2464
Merit: 594
July 03, 2016, 08:21:54 PM
If you are jobless outside here in the bitcoin community then you surely have to sell your mined coins that you saved let's say just for the whole month then pay it for electricity bill. For sure, you should save your mined coins at first, collect them and when the right time come that you can able to earn money from it then sell it.
hero member
Activity: 2646
Merit: 582
Leading Crypto Sports Betting & Casino Platform
July 01, 2016, 11:00:03 AM
Buying now is a good idea, but you can only do that if you have enough money because we believe that the price of bitcoins would go higher as the effect of block halving happens. I don't mine coins but I'm able to earn satoshis from services and save it.
That is right buying is a very good decision because we can see that the price is continue falling and it's a good sign for us traders or users that don't have enough money to buy the bitcoin at the price before. And the second thing to do if we bought bitcoin is to continue holding and expecting for the price to reach our satisfaction so that we can sell our coins and get great profits.

If you want to earn higher profits at halving then this is the best price to buy, price is below $600 now, so even if it reaches to $800 at halving then it can be profitable to sell.
From what I see, I think the price will go over 1000$ after halving and that is the least price which is expected to be touched and rather crossed. I think if you are mining bitcoins and you have big chances to double your profit if you are just a bit patient till halving happens.
I think after halving is done, that will be the peak time to sell your coins. So, if you are mining now or earning now, do not sell them yet, once the halving is done you can surely sell them at higher prices compared to present prices. Like $1000 or even $1200 price levels also possible.
Activity: 1176
Merit: 1024
July 01, 2016, 04:48:43 AM
Buying now is a good idea, but you can only do that if you have enough money because we believe that the price of bitcoins would go higher as the effect of block halving happens. I don't mine coins but I'm able to earn satoshis from services and save it.
That is right buying is a very good decision because we can see that the price is continue falling and it's a good sign for us traders or users that don't have enough money to buy the bitcoin at the price before. And the second thing to do if we bought bitcoin is to continue holding and expecting for the price to reach our satisfaction so that we can sell our coins and get great profits.

If you want to earn higher profits at halving then this is the best price to buy, price is below $600 now, so even if it reaches to $800 at halving then it can be profitable to sell.
From what I see, I think the price will go over 1000$ after halving and that is the least price which is expected to be touched and rather crossed. I think if you are mining bitcoins and you have big chances to double your profit if you are just a bit patient till halving happens.
Activity: 3248
Merit: 1160 - Crypto Casino and Sportsbook
June 30, 2016, 02:37:15 AM
Mining coins need to save and wait for the right time to sell it this is for you future but if you encounter unexpected things to happen i think you should sell your bitcoin anytime.
You have to pay your bills of electricity and other maintenance too, right ? Then surely you will need to sell some of your coins and maintain those small expenses. But yeah don't sell the profit you are making.
What is the point of not selling your coins, it is advisable that you only invest what you can afford to lose and even miners you are in the investing form of business, you need to pay the expenses and you also have to expense for the leisure time to relieve the stress in life.
hero member
Activity: 1134
Merit: 515
June 30, 2016, 02:02:59 AM
Mining coins need to save and wait for the right time to sell it this is for you future but if you encounter unexpected things to happen i think you should sell your bitcoin anytime.
You have to pay your bills of electricity and other maintenance too, right ? Then surely you will need to sell some of your coins and maintain those small expenses. But yeah don't sell the profit you are making.
hero member
Activity: 3024
Merit: 629
June 30, 2016, 12:57:51 AM
Buying now is a good idea, but you can only do that if you have enough money because we believe that the price of bitcoins would go higher as the effect of block halving happens. I don't mine coins but I'm able to earn satoshis from services and save it.
I think yes its the best time to invest into bitcoins as the prices are going higher. I think miners should not sell their coins because surely the price is expected to go over 1200$ till this coming November.
If you dont have anything to spend your coins with then yes its a good idea to save your bitcoin now, we cant really say what will happen in the future but there are also possibility that the price of bitcoin became higher and we will all earn when that moment happens.
Activity: 1092
Merit: 1000
June 29, 2016, 10:21:53 PM
If you don't need the money, wait to sell your bitcoins. Its possible that next year prices of bitcoin were bigger than now. (But it isn't 100% secure).
It is a good advice. Unless you are lacking money for you daily expenses then there is no reason to sell mined, or bought coins right away.
Always expect a bubble, for example yesterday bitcoins was worth $20 dollar less than it is worth today. In the long run this might be even bigger deal.

Well for me is a good advice I don't spend a lot of Bitcoin and money so I just save it.
And yes maybe today Bitcoin has increase but maybe tomorow  will go down again.
Mined coins can better be saved and sell them on one of the highest point because when you do that you will get the most
progit out of your bitcoins you know so dont waste them right now but wait for a price increase.

I mean in theory yes, because the world needs bitcoin more then ever.

But it all falls upon the person ability to hold the coin on their financial current problems if they have them or not.

I know plenty that would easily sell at current rates because they want less debt on their hands and if bitcoin allows to lift that burden a bit they will choose.
I called those people who sell at the current rates people with weak hands, when we have bitcoins in our hand we should think on how precious it is and it has a great value in the future, so selling all of them is not a good move if you still want to make money in the future.

I mean what is the point of staying with bitcoin when you have already get all the benefits you want. You will just be watching others enjoying and would blame your self for being weak.
hero member
Activity: 826
Merit: 1000
June 29, 2016, 02:44:00 PM
If you don't need the money, wait to sell your bitcoins. Its possible that next year prices of bitcoin were bigger than now. (But it isn't 100% secure).
It is a good advice. Unless you are lacking money for you daily expenses then there is no reason to sell mined, or bought coins right away.
Always expect a bubble, for example yesterday bitcoins was worth $20 dollar less than it is worth today. In the long run this might be even bigger deal.

Well for me is a good advice I don't spend a lot of Bitcoin and money so I just save it.
And yes maybe today Bitcoin has increase but maybe tomorow  will go down again.
Mined coins can better be saved and sell them on one of the highest point because when you do that you will get the most
progit out of your bitcoins you know so dont waste them right now but wait for a price increase.

I mean in theory yes, because the world needs bitcoin more then ever.

But it all falls upon the person ability to hold the coin on their financial current problems if they have them or not.

I know plenty that would easily sell at current rates because they want less debt on their hands and if bitcoin allows to lift that burden a bit they will choose.
hero member
Activity: 854
Merit: 500
June 29, 2016, 02:36:21 PM
As far as i know, people who mining bitcoins or altcoins and working without any other help, should pay very huge fees, so at my opinion they should save some money on life.
hero member
Activity: 1148
Merit: 527
June 29, 2016, 12:06:35 PM
Mining coins need to save and wait for the right time to sell it this is for you future but if you encounter unexpected things to happen i think you should sell your bitcoin anytime.

Do you think it was a good time to sell 2 to 5 days ago? The price has dropped quite a lot since that time.
And who knows if it lifts by 100 units in next 2 days ? so do not worry if price goes down because bitcoins have a lot of potential and surely will go higher and higher, so please dont get a negative feeling within yourself. If today its low surely after some days it will be very high.
hero member
Activity: 644
Merit: 500
June 29, 2016, 02:21:46 AM
If you don't need the money, wait to sell your bitcoins. Its possible that next year prices of bitcoin were bigger than now. (But it isn't 100% secure).
It is a good advice. Unless you are lacking money for you daily expenses then there is no reason to sell mined, or bought coins right away.
Always expect a bubble, for example yesterday bitcoins was worth $20 dollar less than it is worth today. In the long run this might be even bigger deal.

Well for me is a good advice I don't spend a lot of Bitcoin and money so I just save it.
And yes maybe today Bitcoin has increase but maybe tomorow  will go down again.
Mined coins can better be saved and sell them on one of the highest point because when you do that you will get the most
progit out of your bitcoins you know so dont waste them right now but wait for a price increase.

Yeah best thing is now around this time is to hold your coins at present situation and just wait for what is going to happen. You never know what will happen. But I think you can see also now that the value is rising slowly and that is very good for those people who made already an investment...
sr. member
Activity: 298
Merit: 250
June 29, 2016, 02:18:41 AM
If you don't need the money, wait to sell your bitcoins. Its possible that next year prices of bitcoin were bigger than now. (But it isn't 100% secure).
It is a good advice. Unless you are lacking money for you daily expenses then there is no reason to sell mined, or bought coins right away.
Always expect a bubble, for example yesterday bitcoins was worth $20 dollar less than it is worth today. In the long run this might be even bigger deal.

Well for me is a good advice I don't spend a lot of Bitcoin and money so I just save it.
And yes maybe today Bitcoin has increase but maybe tomorow  will go down again.
Mined coins can better be saved and sell them on one of the highest point because when you do that you will get the most
progit out of your bitcoins you know so dont waste them right now but wait for a price increase.
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