Beta testing and upgrading is only possible if you have access to local machine to edit gnome-terminal profile.
Step 1:
git clone --depth 1 --branch 19-2.1 /home/m1/NVOC/testing
git submodule update --init --depth 1 --remote miners
cd /home/m1/NVOC/testing/miners
Edit your new 1bash in :
Step 2:
Create new gnome-terminal profile and start up command:
gnome-terminal menus: Edit > Preferences > Profiles > Clone the mining profile and edit the clone.
Rename the cloned mining profile to "mining-beta", "mining-testing" or whatever you like.
In 2nd tab from left, "Command" change custom command.
from :
Step 3:
It's better to reboot, to start fresh.
You can also do:
./nvOC stop
Switch back:
To switch back to 19-2.0 stable just change the "Profile used when launching ..." in gnome-terminal profiles to mining.
Update nvOC to latest commit:
cd /home/m1/NVOC/testing
git pull origin 19-2.1
Update nvOC/miners to latest commit:
cd /home/m1/NVOC/testing/
git submodule update --remote miners
Always keep a copy of your 1bash (old, new, beta, ....) in a safe place.
Please post your issues and found bugs here in bitcointalk forum or GitHub issues.
Thanks to all contributors most of all LukePicci
List of all contributions is available on top of each script (dev log)