So you wrote how to add new coins and miners,
I wanted to know if its possible to add coins that dont have MPH pool, like LBRY or Decred ?
Is it ok to add them to mph_conf.json with other pools like zpool or suprnova?
can the script get their updated profit ratio ?
Or it works only for coins that have MPH pool?
The NiceHash and MiningPoolHub switchers base their decisions on information provided by the respective pools. MiningPoolHub doesn't support LBRY, so they provide no information on its profitability compared to the coins that they do support.
I also wanted to support pools that will exchange mined altcoins for Bitcoin automatically. I wrote another switcher previously ( that worked with any pool, though I don't think I had exchanges fully automated (and Cryptsy and BTC-e have both fallen by the wayside) and I don't recall how well it would've handled multi-algorithm mining as I was using SHA256 and Scrypt ASIC miners at the time (this was back when an Antminer S1 was useful as more than just a space heater ). Also, CryptoSwitcher used full-node coin daemons (bitcoind, litecoind, etc.) as an independent source of mining stats (and I might've had pools paying out to local wallets); having a bunch of those running chews up lots of RAM and disk I/O.
For example, ethereum/ethahsh has a 20535 port and an auto switch 17020 port, which one should be add to mph_conf.json ?
The MPH switcher builds miner commands from information provided by their API, including host and port numbers. It should automatically pick normal ports (such as 20535 for Ethereum). The only configuration you should need to do is in the first few lines of the config file...things like your username and miner name. If you benchmark the different algorithms on your cards, you could tweak the speed and power-consumption figures to match your system, though (especially if you're running 1070s) the numbers I put in are probably a good start.
So it switch to best coin from 1bash coins/pools/miners config file
I'd then need to dig into the current exchanges' APIs and figure out how best to automate their usage in the current environment. I don't want a bunch of different altcoins hanging around. (...though I did find a non-trivial amount of NeosCoin in my wallet the other day that has shot up in value over the past couple of years or so since it was mined...might need to go trade it in.)