Transaction 10 is a competing double spend, which will need to redo all the PoW from itself to the tip of the DAG to become the canonical spend.
You must have something else in mind?
I mean a situation where [2] and [3] are doublespendings of each other and [10] is irrelevant.
This is covered by the tiebreaker rule, isn't it?
Here are the possible cases, as I see them:
1. Legitimate spend and double spend are both tips of the DAG with the same cumulative weight
Tiebreaker rule resolves in the favour of the lowest txid. Subsequent transactions are built on top of the lowest txid.
2. Legitimate spend is a DAG tip, the attacker produces a double spend with a lower txid to challenge it
Attacker must catch up to the cumulative weight of the legitimate spend, which should have been extended by the time the attacker's transaction gets placed. This is similar to outpacing the network in bitcoin.
3. Legitimate spend and double spend are at the same cumulative weight and their branches merge
Again, tiebreaker rule resolves to update the confirmation score of the transaction with the lower txid.
Any other cases I missed?