So glad your final word is Gospel. Amen.
YOU brought Ghash into the discussion not me. I never once compared BAN to Ghash or used that name until you brought it forth. I simply said this would not be tolerated from more established pools. Seems like to you that means Ghash.
And again when I said what I did about logins and payouts those were true. Glad its now resolved. But you should learn what FUD really is. Facts are not FUD. If you can prove to me that payouts were not missing for the time they were and that many users did not report login issues I will concede to spreading FUD. Good luck with that.
I brought GHASH in because you were comparing other pools already as in BTCGuild, BitMinter -- I'm not sure if they're one manned operations or not, however when you said "those pools" (also including me bringing in GHASH into the subject) you are quoted saying "those pools are always broken" meaning that pools possibly ran by more than one person are always broken. Same again, broken logic my friend.
I cannot prove anything on the payouts as I do not run the pool, s0br does. Go ahead and concede because the login issues about people saying they haven't had any issues are 1 - 2 pages back, feel free to browse on through them.
adaryian : Are you sure you dont work for the pool?
Positive. I have a working relationship with s0br and since he was away for whatever reason as I have not spoken to him yet, I'm simply trying to defend my friend who has done so much for everyone already and he's personally helped me out with personal matters that is between us. So if I come across sounding like an a**hole; I'm standing up for someone I care about as a friend and whom I have a great deal of trust in.
I haven't had any login issues at all. Front end has been a bit slow sometimes but that can be said for most pools.
ThePhwner Please read above statement to help reinforce that sound of swallowing pride. It sucks, I know..
I was out enjoying a sunny day in the middle of the Southern Hemisphere winter, got to the old pub Moarrr The Boar to hang out with mates there to find out everybody is spread on the floor, broken chairs, shattered mirror, beer all over, ladies gone.
Holy Shangai! (Peter Sellers' quote).
I guess I missed the fun.
Meh, merely exchanging camp fire stories and roasting trolls.