The great witch-hunt. I like it.
We're trying to create website which can accumulate the most relevant industry offers in one place.
Is any similar service exist? No. There is only information page at (thanks them).
Bitcoin expands a lot, but people cannot find any civilized services. Not geeks, just householders.
Do you think the newbies go through this forum with a toothcomb? Sure, no. Information should be given by simpler way.
And more suitable services can involve new participants in Bitcoin area. We'd like to make it.
Now to the questions.
We were knocking to every vendors with our offer.
Only one (Cointerra) gave us the straight answer "Later".
Some asked "Show what you offer, we will think". (By the way, ask Christian Anselmi from Bitmine.CH, the person I contacted)
Some just ignored our requests. I've got nice ticket number collection
Based at such disappointing results we started, because better to show than explain.
And now we're enjoying by the result.
)) Scam! It is so cute.
The idea was to get API or payment instruction from vendors and embed it to our site. Using that way client could pay directly to vendor.
We get small fee, client can use suitable service, vendor has new orders. Everybody happy.
But not this time
Back to reality.
We've removed any buying options from our site. And now it'll grow as Mining hardware content site.
You comments, corrections and offers are still welcome.