I hope you accept a novice like me probably looking like a fool
For a couple of decades the only thing I've invested in has been flats and houses, but thanks to it my financial situation is good enough to accept some risk. I started investing in stocks and ETFs last year and have spent a lot of time practising it. The start has been good enough.
However, while getting myself into that I forgot to pay attention to the crypto side. All the time it was somewhere in back of my mind that I should put some money into bitcoin, but it was such a new world to me I never remembered to get into it. Then to my horror I realised the price has skyrocketed. Well now I've studied some basics and opened a couple of accounts, but it's kind of too late. If I'd actually got into bitcoin I'd probably invested at least 10-15 000 euros in it, which would now give some piece of mind to wait and see what happens. Maybe take what I invested out.
BUT I didn't. So now I'm wondering what to do. If I don't do anything and if there's no major dips anymore my "loss" gets much bigger. But if I put money in it I accpect that not paying attention cost me tens of thousands and then there's the possibility of a dip, which would let me correct a part of the mistake.
I have about 20-25 000 euros to invest in cryptos, some more if there's a terrific buying opportunity. I'm not rich but I've lived a pretty cheap life and worked hard to be able to tolerate losing maybe 10-20 000 and my life would go on with some more too. As long as it's for a good reason and a piece of mind (by not missing out completely) may be a good enough one.
So what would you guys who actually know about these things suggest?
What do you think would be a good plan? Maybe put 10 000 to bitcoin now and wait and see what happens?
Or are there some other cryptos I should buy? Maybe spread the money? Is there a better buying opportunity for something else right now?
How well has stop loss worked with Bitcoin? Maybe I'd invest 6000 with no stop loss, 6000 with a stop loss to 25% lower? Then see what happens and buy more if there's a dip. I know it's a shame I woke up too late so I don't need to be reminded of that, but I would really really appreciate if you could share your knowledge of how to salvage whatever can be salvaged, thank you!!